Following Dr Eddy Wifa's presentation on "The Paradox of Plenty, Oil Sector Governance, and Energy Transition in Africa" at a Real Projects webinar organised by the Association of Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers (AFBE) UK-Scotland on the 23rd September 2020, a special interview session was organised to address questions from the webinar. In that session, Dr Eddy Wifa and Dr Thomas Muinzer provided robust responses to the questions raised. In summary, while acknowledging the complexity and intersections of the energy transition debate, they both agreed on the need for a more radical and organic approach to energy transition in Africa. Such an approach must consider the energy poverty/justice, economic, political, and technological realities of the region. Fere is a link to the interview:
AUCEL's Dr Eddy Wifa and Dr Thomas Muinzer interviewed on energy transition in Africa