Migration of staff email to Office 365 starts on the evening of Friday 12 July and will be completed by midnight on Monday 22 July.
By now, you will have received an email notification confirming the date for your mailbox migration.
After the move, your Outlook will operate as normal. However, you will need to update the settings on mobile phones and tablets.
During migration
You can continue to work normally. After your mailbox has been migrated, you will be prompted to restart Outlook.
After migration
Additional IT support staff will be available the day after your migration to offer assistance.
Outlook Desktop client
Your Desktop Outlook client will look and operate the same, except that your mail quota will now be 25GB.
Outlook Web Access (OWA)
After your mailbox is migrated, Outlook Web Access (OWA) will be available at http://outlook.com/abdn.ac.uk. You should update any browser bookmarks/favourites to reflect this change.
You may notice that the interface has changed slightly. It is more similar to the Outlook client and consistent across browsers IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. We’ve produced quick What’s New, What’s Changed guide to help you get started.
Updating Mobiles and Tablets
If you use a mobile phone or tablet to read your work email, calendar and contacts you will need to update the server settings and username after the mailbox move. Instructions are on the IT Services section of StaffNet at www.abdn.ac.uk/staffnet/working-here/it-communications.php.
Username Format
If you are prompted for your username at any time, please use your login ID, e.g. xyz999@abdn.ac.uk or s01ab2@abdn.ac.uk, not your mailname, j.bloggs@abdn.ac.uk. Use your normal password.
If you are currently enabled for Unified Messaging Voicemail, you will receive a new Welcome to Office365 Unified Messaging message. Follow the steps in your welcome message to continue to receive voicemail.
Help and support
If you have any concerns or queries please contact the IT Service Desk:
Tel: 3636 (externally on: 01224 273636)
Web client:www.abdn.ac.uk/servicedesk/self-service