We have collated useful in person sessions and online modules that offer further knowledge, understanding and skills relating to mental health and wellbeing and associated interlinked topics. This will continue to be updated as new sessions and opportunities become available.
Development Opportunities
- Wellbeing
Face to Face Opportunities
Looking after your wellbeing in the workplace (team session): 1hour
- Develop positive wellbeing habits in the workplace,
- Understand how to prioritise wellbeing and work life balance,
- Learn how to reduce stigma associated with mental wellbeing in the workplace
- Increase your knowledge about the support and resources available to support your wellbeing.
These will be delivered throughout the year but you can request a bespoke session for your team. Email wellbeing@abdn.ac.uk to request a session
Managing wellbeing in the workplace (for managers): 1hour 15minutes
- How to create a positive wellbeing culture in your team,
- Learn how to empower members of your team to prioritise wellbeing,
- Understand how to reduce stigma associated with mental wellbeing in the workplace
- Increase your knowledge about the support and resources available to support you and your teams wellbeing.
These will be delivered throughout the year but you can request a bespoke session for your team. Email wellbeing@abdn.ac.uk to request a session
Building resilience at work
Finding ways in which to help ourselves with life's challenges is all part of building our resilience to be able to move forwards through adversity. In this session we will look at:
- Understanding resilience
- Recognising stressors and our own coping mechanisms
- Tried and tested ways to build resilience
- Exploring resilience and how this can make us more effective at work
Book Now:
- 22 January, 10am - 12pm, University Office Room 100 (HR Training Room)
- 12 March, 1.30 - 3pm, FH-RINH Seminar Room 2 (Foresterhill)
Self Management
Covers how to break down barriers and be the most productive version of yourself by focussing on time management, prioritisation, setting goals and motivating yourself and others. This session will be delivered in person. In this session we will look at:
- Time Management
- Breaking down barriers to productivity
- Motivation and goal setting
- Planning techniques
Book Now:
- 4 June, 9 - 11am, University Office Room 100 (HR Training Room)
- 18 June, 9 -11am, FH-RINH Seminar Room 2 (Foresterhill)
Online e-learning modules
- Building Resilience : 20 minutes
- Developing Emotional Intelligence : 15 minutes
- Working Effectively from Home : 30 minutes
- Menopause at Work : 30 minutes
- Asthma Awareness Training : 20 minutes
- Mental Health
Face to Face Opportunities
Leading yourself and creating psychological safety
In this session we will explore how we can create a workplace where everyone is able to feel that they can speak up in their teams and feel that their contribution is valued.
- Looking at what a psychological safe work place looks like
- How to implement psychological safety within your team
- The importance of self awareness and how to be more self aware
Book Now:
- 21 May, 9 - 11am, University Office Room 100 (HR Training Room)
- 28 May, 9 - 11am, FH-RINH Seminar Room 2 (Foresterhill)
Introduction to Suicide Prevention (External delivery from SAMH): 2 hours
- Email wellbeing@abdn.ac.uk for information about upcoming sessions
Online e-learning modules
- Mental Health in the Workplace Overview : 1 hour
- Mental Health - Stress Less : 15 minutes
- Mental Health - Doing the Right Thing : 15 minutes
- Mental Health - Managing Stress (for managers) : 15 minutes
- Communication
Face to face opportunities
Communication Skills
Covers how to communicate effectively within your team and explains the various methods of communication. Identifies types of assertive behaviour and how to become more confident and assertive in the correct ways in your role.
- How to communicate effectively within your team
- Identify and adopt types of assertive behaviour
- Be more confident in your role
Book Now:
- 12 February, 10am - 12pm, University Office Room 100 (HR Training Room)
- 26 March, 9 - 11am, FH-RINH Seminar Room 2 (Foresterhill)
Learning Outcomes:
- Clearly identify what delegation is and the benefits of delegating more
- Understand the role of delegation in developing the confidence and competence of individuals in your team
- Evaluate the differences between responsibility and authority and understand their role in delegation
- Deliver meaningful feedback on delegation activities
Book Now:
- 29 January, 9 - 11am, University Office Room 100 (HR Training Room)
- 19 March, 9 - 11am, FH-RINH Seminar Room 2 (Foresterhill)
Influencing Skills
Discovering the skills required to influence a team, analysing what skills are already present and building on them to influence in the most productive and healthy way for your team.Objectives:- Look at skills required to influence a team
- How to influence in a healthy and productive manner
- Tactics for influencing others
Book Now:
- 30 April, 10am - 12pm, University Office Room 100 (HR Training Room)
- 7 May, 9 - 11am, FH-RINH Seminar Room 2 (Foresterhill)
Online e-learning modules
- Facing Anger & Emotion : 15 minutes
- Building Trust : 25 minutes
- Handling Difficult Conversations (for managers) : 15 minutes
- Asserting Yourself : 1 hour
- Creating an Environment Based on Respect : 15 minutes
- Resources & Bitesize Video Series
Access a variety of wellbeing resources and templates on our Wellbeing Resources and Training pages.
Explore wellbeing skills and topics through the Bitesize Video Series, all 10-20 minutes long.
Topics covered so far;
- Signs & Symptoms
- Active Listening and Supportive Conversations
- Boundaries & Signposting
- Wellness Action Plans Overview
- More due to be released throughout 2025.