Patient and Public Involvement Fund

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Patient and Public Involvement Fund

Patient and Public Involvement Fund

We are inviting applications for the establishment of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) activities that will contribute to one or more stages of your research, from priority setting and funding applications to undertaking and evaluating projects. For a full definition and guidelines on PPI please see here and UK Standards for Public Involvement.

  • Open to all researchers who are University of Aberdeen members of staff
  • Projects must demonstrate a potential for improving the quality and outcomes of research conducted at the University of Aberdeen.
  • Priority will be given to projects leading directly to an external grant application, demonstrating potential for leveraging further funding
  • Applications must include an evaluation plan to evidence the benefits to patients/publics and to research/researchers.
  • Funds can be used for a range of costs such as:
    • Payment of staff who will coordinate and support the project. However, funds cannot cover the salaries of University staff.
    • Running costs (recruitment, venues, refreshments, printing of materials, etc).
    • Expenses and payment of participants (for further guidance please see NIHR payment guidance . Please ensure you also follow University finance regulations).
    • Training for researchers and members of PPI group.
      PPI activities do not require ethical approval. For guidance see the NHS HRA and the University Research Governance page . If in doubt about an overlap with research participation, please ask for further advice.

Applicants are encouraged to seek advice and support early in the application process from the PERU team .

Please note that awarded funds need to be spent by 31 March 2023

Next deadline:

Thursday 8 September 2022
Applications should be emailed to:

Download the application here .