Student Support & Experience Sub-Committee

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Student Support & Experience Sub-Committee
Latest Agenda
Previous Agendas


To be responsible to the University Education Committee (UEC) for the development and implementation of strategy and policies to enhance students' probability of success in all aspects of their student experience and address gaps which appear more likely for specific groups of students.

The SSEC shall:
i. ensure that there are close and transparent links between all colleagues in the University involved in the delivery of student support and the wider student experience;
ii. lead and develop the delivery of appropriate support by academic staff through the existing undergraduate personal tutor system and support of a similar nature for PGT students, PGR students, fully online students, and students on our transnational campuses and partnerships;
iii. lead, develop and champion an inclusive approach across all Education portfolio-related activities (including international student mobility);
iv. using relevant data, make recommendations to enhance the provision of student support and the student experience, with the aim of increasing student retention, student success, and student satisfaction;
v. lead the development of approaches to enhance support for, and the experience of, students with particular needs, including international students and those from widening participation backgrounds;
vi. oversee the development, implementation and regular review of institutional non-academic related policies and practices across all aspects of the student experience ensuring their legal compliance (e.g., equality, diversity, and inclusion) and other relevant external reference points and recommend them to UEC for approval;
vii. respond to issues raised in the National Student Survey, the Aberdeen Student
Experience Survey, and similar exercises;
viii. prepare and contribute to institutional external reports, including regarding external accreditation ensure that appropriate training is provided for all colleagues working with students to support them in the delivery of their roles and to make clear the parameters of their roles;
ix. ensure compliance with the Code of Practice laid down by the University in accordance with the provisions of the 1994 Education Act in relation to the operation of the Aberdeen University Students Association
x. establish short-term working groups and task and finish groups as appropriate.

Members' Responsibilities:
Each member of the committee will contribute to discussions and feedback on these to their respective areas for comment and further input.

Composition & Membership

Chair: Jason Bohan / Nick Edwards
Clerk: Steven Kearney



Dean for Student Support
Deputy Director of People


Deputy Head of Student Support Services
Head of Experience, Engagement & Wellbeing
Representative from the Student Experience Wellbeing Team
Dean for Widening Access, Articulation and Outreach
Quality Enhancement Theme Lead
University Librarian or Nominee
Representative of the Postgraduate Research School
AFG representative in senate
One representative from each School to include the balanced representation of personal tutors, PG leads, and SAMs.
AUSA Vice-President for Education
AUSA Vice-President for Welfare

In attendance:

Representative of the Online Team
Representative of the Centre for Academic Development (CAD)
Representative of the Registry
Representative of Student Support
Representative of Digital and Information Services

Representative of Estates and Facilities

Representative of Planning
Students' Association Staff Member
Quorum: 50%

Position Name
Dean for Student Support: Jason Bohan
Deputy Director of People: Nick Edwards
Head of Student Advice & Accessibility: Jemma Murdoch
Head of Student Experience: Duncan Stuart
Representative from the Student Experience Wellbeing Team: Bekah Walker
Dean for Widening Access, Articulation and Outreach: Vacant
Representative from the Qatar Campus Lyn Batchelor
Quality Enhancement Theme Lead: Steve Tucker
University Librarian or Nominee Susan Halfpenny
School Representatives:
Biological Sciences Martin Barker
Business Lindsey Tibbetts
Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History Heidi Mehrkens
Education Katrina Foy
Engineering John Cavanagh
Geosciences Charlotta Hillerdal
Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture Tim Baker
Law Erin Ferguson
Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition Wendy Lowe
Natural & Computing Sciences Julie Timms
Psychology Madge Jackson
Social Science Martin Mills
AUSA Vice-President for Education: Rhiannon Ledwell
AUSA Vice-President for Welfare Sai Shraddha S Viswanathan
Representative of the Online Team: Jenna Stewart
Representative of the Centre for Academic Development (CAD): Mary Pryor
Representative of the Postgraduate Research School: Lucy Leiper
Representative of the Registry: Kelsey Pierce
Representative of Student Support: Lesley Muirhead
Representative of Study Abroad Melanie Viney
Representative of Digital and Information Services Natalie Kinchin-Williams
Representative of Estates and Facilities Jacqui Tuckwell
Representative of Planning: Iain Grant
Students' Association Staff Member: Graeme Kirkpatrick
School Admin Manager Representative: Fiona Ritchie
Clerk Stevie Kearney


