Public Affairs

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Public Affairs

The Public Affairs team seeks and seizes opportunities to develop the University's strategic role and reputation regionally, nationally, and globally. At a local level, we look to establish the institution's place within our community.

Part of our role is to promote the work of the University to political audiences. This helps to maximise the impact of the organisation's research and expertise, while providing a sound evidence base for policy making.

How We Can Help

University colleagues

We provide support, training and advice on a wide range of political engagement activities to promote research and generate impact.

Political engagement can include meetings with stakeholders, visits, events, submissions to committee inquiries and government consultations, and briefings ahead of relevant parliamentary debates.

The university is also a member of SPRE (Scottish Policy & Research Exchange) which can provide staff with a range of useful resources on policy engagement and produces a weekly update of parliamentary and government inquiries. University staff can register to receive these email updates here.