MyCurriculum is open for:
- new January-start students to make their course selections for the 2024-25 academic year,
- students accepted for readmission to study in January 2025, and
- already registered students who wish to make changes to their second sub-session courses (modules).
New January Start Students
Please note that before new students can access MyCurriculum, they must have completed Online Registration first. You should wait at least one hour after completing Online Registration before trying to access MyCurriculum and may wish to consult our User Guide before making your course choices in the system.
Students accepted for readmission to study in January 2025:
- must have completed Online Registration before accessing MyCurriculum, and
- will require assistance from the Registration Support Team or your Registry Officer to make their course selections for the 2024-25 academic year.
The Registration Support Team are available to help you from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Already Registered Students Wishing to Make Course Changes
Changes to second sub-session courses (modules) can be made until the course change deadline.
Please note that:
- the deadline for making changes to Sixth Century and short courses where teaching starts in Week 1 is Friday, 31 January 2025
- changes to all other courses where teaching starts in Week 1 can be made until the course change deadline of Friday, 7 February 2025
In most instances, you can make changes to your course choices yourself – our User Guide explains how to do this. However, you will require assistance from the Registration Support Team or your Registry Officer to make any changes to your courses if:
- if you are an undergraduate student and the course you wish to change was not selected in the Enhanced and Other tab but was selected in the Prescribed tab in MyCurriculum, or
- you received a C7 in the 2024-25 academic year which has not been overturned.
If you require assistance, please contact the Registration Support Team who are available to help you from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
International Exchange Students
Please note: International exchange students will be assisted in making their course choices by their Go Abroad Tutor and should not make any changes in MyCurriculum themselves.