Student Advice & Support provides information and practical study-related support to prospective and current students who have sensory and physical impairments, mental health conditions, long-term health conditions, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)/Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Dyslexia and other specific learning differences (SpLD), students who have a stammer, and students who have an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).
The team are available to assist undergraduate, postgraduate, full time, part time and online distance learners.
- How to Contact the Team
If you require information, advice or support or wish to speak with a Student Support Adviser please email
British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the team directly by using contactSCOTLAND-BSL.
- Who the Disability Team Support
Under the Equality Act 2010, the definition of a disability is “a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on a person's ability to do normal daily activities”.
This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Dyslexia and other Specific Learning Differences
- Visual Impairments
- Hearing Impairments
- Long-Term Health Conditions
- Mental Health Conditions
- Physical Impairments
- Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Stammering
If you are disabled you are strongly encourage you to make an appointment with Student Advice and Support to discuss, agree and implement any study-related support you may require.
If you are applying through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) you will be able to indicate that you are disabled on your application.
Please get in touch if you are unsure whether you are eligible for support.
- How to Arrange Support
If you are an applicant, offer holder or current student and you haven't previously been in contact with the team and feel that you would benefit from disability-related support whilst you study with the University, please provide information about your support needs. You can do this by completing the online contact form.
Please make sure you provide evidence of your health condition, impairment, or specific learning difference, so the correct support can be put in place as quickly as possible.
If you would like to discuss support for your studies, you can email the Disability team at
The Disabled Student Pathway document provides an overview of how disabled students can access support at the University and details the steps and people involved in implementing support.
Please see our Privacy Notice which details how the University processes students' disability-related information.
You are advised that you should contact the team as soon as possible to ensure that your support can be implemented in a timely manner.
- Support the Team Can Implement
After discussing your needs, the team can put together a list of the adjustments agreed to support you in your studies and with your permission, will communicate this information to the relevant staff at the University. Some examples of adjustments are:
- Lecture outlines and PowerPoint slides for lectures in advance and in alternative formats
- Prioritised reading lists
- Extra time in exams
- Use of a computer and assistive software in exams
- Reader/scribe in exams
- A smaller exam venue with fewer other candidates
- No penalties for poor spelling or grammar for exams and coursework assignments
- Agreed extensions to deadlines for coursework assignments
- Non-Medical Support workers, such as note-takers, to ensure that you have an accurate record of what is covered in lectures or to assist in practical sessions such as labs to support the completion of tasks.
- The provision of Assistive Technology (AT) such as digital recorders to audio record lecture sessions
For further details about how adjustments work, please see the adjustments guide
If you require adjustments in exams, please make sure you have spoken with the Student Advice and Support team prior to the relevant semester's advertised exam adjustments deadline.
Some students require personal care and assistance with daily living, like assistance with cooking, shopping, bathing and dressing. This support is not available through the University; if you require this support, you are advised to get in touch with your local Social Services department to discuss your support requirements.
Medical equipment, such as the provision of a wheelchair, are not provided the University. If you require this provision, you are advised you contact your GP/medical practitioner to discuss your requirements.
- School and Department Inclusion Coordinators
Schools and Departments have identified members of staff as Inclusion Coordinators who Student Advice & Support work closely with to ensure that your reasonable adjustments are implemented.
Divinity, History, Philosophy & Art History - Lisa Evans 01224 273785
Divinity & Religious Studies
- Rebecca Coroon 01224 273986
History (course codes beginning with HI, HC and HS)
- Barbara McGillivray 01224 272199
Art History
- Theo Williamson 01224 273990
- Joanne Saripanidis 01224 272366
Education - Sharon Palla 01224 274578
- Sharon Smith 01224 274526
MA(Hons) Education/PGDE
- Ingrid Stanyer
- Charlaine Simpson
- Sharon Smith 01224 274526
Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture including English, Film Studies, Modern Language, Language Centre and Music - Lyndsey Scott 01224 273931
- Dr Roger Ravet 01224 272151
Law - Carol Lawie 01224 272441
Social Science including Anthropology, Sociology, Politics and International Relations - Jill Davis 01224 273124
- Andrew Whitehouse 01224 272950
Business School - Julie Davidson 01224 273720
School of Natural and Computing Science - Sheryl Mackay 01224 272605
Undergraduate Maths
- Sheryl Mackay 01224 272605
Undergraduate Chemistry
- Sheryl Mackay 01224 27260
Undergraduate Computing Science
- Shirley Mackie 01224 272295
Undergraduate Physics (including ST1506)
- Shirley Mackie 01224 272295
Postgraduate Taught Programmes
- Rowena Hardy 01224 272741
Postgraduate Research Programmes
- Lynn Harrison 01224 272052
School of Geosciences including Geography and the Environment, Geology and Petroleum Geology, Archaeology - Linus Girdland 01225 273693
- Elizabeth Euington 01224 274077
- Dr Deniz Gulen 01224 273460
- Dr Dmitri Mauquoy 01224 272364
School of Engineering - Dr Waheed Afzal 01224 272526
- Yvonne Davidson 01224 272513
Postgraduate Research Programmes
- Avril Rossiter 01224 272923
School of Biological Sciences - Dr Martin Barker 01224 272697
- Amie Connolly 01224 272692
School of Psychology - Karen Forrest 01224 272381
- Zeshu Shao 01224 01224 273214
Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition All Medical Sciences Undergraduate BSc Programmes
- Dr Derryck Shewan 01224 437381
- Graeme McDonald 01224 272497
- Suzanne Cameron 01224 437929
- Wendy Lowe
- Katherine Ramsey
All Postgraduate Taught
- Clare McHattie 01224 437097
All Postgraduate Research
- Graeme McDonald 01224 272497
Physician Associate
- Gerard Browne 01224 437 925
- Tanya Rowand 01224 437 779
Support Services Assistive Technology Advisers
- Steven Sangster 01224 273336
- Vivien Logan 01224 273336
Student Learning Service
- Caterina De Rosa 01224 273030
- Karen Mitchell 01224 273030
Lifelong Learning/Widening Access
- Tracey Stewart 01224 272784
Accommodation Service
- Kerry Fraser 01224 273851
Careers Service
- Peter Cross 01224 273601
- Lucy Drysdale 01224 272589
- Sarah Todd 01224 272589
International Study Centre (ISC) - Chelsea Wallace 07826946845 and
- Caren Falconer
- Lisa Evans 01224 273785
- Confidentiality and Privacy
The team will only discuss disability-related information with other members of staff once your permission has been granted, or if they need to for reasons of health and safety, emergency, or public policy.
Before support is put in place, your consent is asked to enable information to be passed onto colleagues who will provide your support. The University's Privacy Notice explains how your confidential information is used and shared.
- Evidence
All evidence must be provided in English. If translation is required, it is your responsibility to arrange this with an accredited professional translation service.
If you are disabled or have a long-term health condition you will need to provide evidence from a qualified medical professional, such as:
- GP
- Consultant
- Specialist or Psychiatric Nurse
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Audiologist
- Hospital Consultants
The evidence should identify:
- The name of the impairment or health conditions
- When the impairment or health condition was diagnosed/identified
- How long the impairment/health condition is likely to last
- The main effects of the condition, e.g. mobility impairment, short term concentration ability
- Any side effects of medication or treatment
- The impact that the impairment or health condition has on your ability to engage in study activities
If you have a specific learning difference (SpLD), e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, we will accept pre- or post-16 evidence in the form of a report that confirms you have a SpLD from one of the following:
- Educational Psychologist
- Educational Professional or Specialist Teacher, or equivalent, e.g. an Occupational Therapist who holds a current practicing certificate in assessing SpLD issued by the relevant professional association, such as the Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Differences (PATOSS)
- Educational Professional or Specialist Teacher who holds a current qualification that allows Associated Membership of the British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA)
If you need advice about obtaining evidence of your dyslexia or SpLD, please contact Student Advice and Support who can assist in obtaining an evaluation.
- Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)
Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) is designed to cover disability-related costs that you may incur in your studies. It is not means tested and is available from UK funding bodies if you ordinarily reside in the UK. DSA is available if you study on full-time undergraduate and some part-time, distance learning and postgraduate programmes. DSA is in addition to the standard student finance package that you may receive.
DSA can provide funding towards:
- Specialist Equipment like assistive software, hardware and ergonomic equipment
- Non-medical Personal Help like specialist study skills support and mentoring
- General disability-related expenses like funding towards additional printing and photocopy costs
- Funding towards additional disability-related support
You can apply for DSA before or after you have started studying. You are advised to apply as early as possible so that support can be in place for the start of the academic year. The application process differs depending on the funding body. Information, advice and support can be provided with the DSA application process through the Student Advice and Support team.
If you are a full-time student, please ensure you have already applied to your funding body for your main student funding, such as student loan and/or tuition fees, before beginning your application for DSA.
The DSA Factsheet provides more information about this process.
- Screening for Specific learning differences including Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, and ASC
If you think that you may have a specific learning difference (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia and/or dyscalculia, an Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), and/or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and you would benefit from support in your current programme of study, the Student Advice and Support team may be able to offer you a screening appointment.
During the appointment, you will be asked some questions about your experience of areas such as reading, writing and memory. Your answers will give an indication of whether you are exhibiting indicators of a SpLD, ASC and/or ADD/ADHD, and, if you do, the team will explore the reasonable adjustments which can be implemented to support you in your studies.
When required, to inform study-related support for your current programme of studies, and/or to support an application for Disabled Students' Allowance, you may be offered an educational psychology assessment.
Students contacting the team in their final year should be mindful that the support available may be limited, depending on the timing of the contact, and whether support can be offered at the advanced stage of study; support cannot be retrospectively implemented. You are encouraged to contact the team as early as possible during your studies.
If you think that you may have an ASC and/or ADD/ADHD but you do not require support in your current programme of study, it is advised that you speak with your GP about assessment and the non-study related support available.
To request a screening appointment, please complete the online contact form.
- Assistive Technology Team
The Assistive Technology team are available to support disabled students including students who have specific learning differences, mental health conditions, and long-term health conditions, using technology.
The team offer a one to one service providing demonstrations on specific study-related tools. To find out more information visit:
Contact details:
- Email:
- Tel: 01224 273336
- Assistive Technology Booths (ATBs)
The Assistive Technology Booths (ATBs) are accessible, single occupancy PC rooms available for use by disabled students. They provide a selection of assistive software and hardware which is not available on the classroom computers.
Access to booths is available via referral from Student Advice & Support or the Student Learning Service. Students who have been granted access can then book a booth online.
- Support with Accessing the Campus
If you require assistance to access the campus and University buildings, the team can help with:
- Arranging non-medical support worker assistance
- Liaising with University Departments to arrange accessible teaching and exam venues
- Referral for University disabled parking permits for non-Blue badge holders
- Development of a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan if you will need assistance with evacuation in the event of an emergency
- AccessAble provides detailed information on the accessibility for University buildings on the Kings College Campus, the Foresterhill Campus, and the Halls of Residence.
- Other Sources of Support
The Disabled Students Forum is a safe social space and campaigning platform for all disabled students. The purpose of the Forum is to ensure that disabled students are treated fairly and equally and have their needs met at the University of Aberdeen.
Further information please visit the Disabled Students Forum.
For a quick guide to support services available to you, visit the Support Services guide page.