
In this section

Student with lecturer

As you begin your studies, new undergraduate students will be matched with a personal tutor who will support and guide you. This will usually be someone within your School or Programme.

If you are studying in the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition you will be assigned a Regent.

Your Personal Tutor or Regent will get in touch at the start of term to invite you to an introductory meeting. If you haven't heard from them by the end of September, you can send them an email directly or contact personaltutor@abdn.ac.uk for support. Even if you don't have much to discuss, you should attend this first meeting with your Personal Tutor or Regent so that you know who they are and how they can help you.

You can find details of your tutor and their email address in the Student Hub. Please note, this information will only be sent to new students when you have completed Online Registration.

If you have any queries regarding your meeting or your personal tutor, you can contact: