Online resources for developing your academic skills are available in MyAberdeen: Achieve (for UG students) and Achieve+ (for PGT students) [institutional login required]. We also offer One-to-one Study Advice Sessions, Drop-ins and Workshops.
PhD students are also welcome to book a one-to-one session to discuss their writing or their general approach to their doctoral research, however, this must be done in consultation with their supervisor (an e-mail from the supervisor to confirm is required).
To view the list of workshops currently on offer and to book a place on one, please log into the course booking system.
- Academic Writing
Advice on academic writing development and related topics are available for all students through online resources, one-to-one sessions (online or in-person), drop-in sessions, and workshops.
One-to-One Appointments One-to-one sessions (in-person or online) are available to discuss all aspects of academic writing at university e.g., essay writing or dissertations.
We can discuss assignments that have been marked, and are accompanied by feedback, however, please note, we cannot work on an assignment that is yet to be submitted.
PhD students are welcome to book advice sessions but may only do so with the written agreement of their PhD supervisor.
- To arrange a one-to-one session please complete a study advice request form.
Workshops and drop-ins Drop-ins
These are on campus, no booking required! Not a workshop but an opportunity for a quick chat about an academic writing problem.
Weekly drop-in sessions take place on Wednesdays in room 506 on level 5 of Sir Duncan Rice Library from 11:00 to 13:00. Note: drop-ins run this term from 16 October to 4 December.
Our workshops will help you to overcome the key challenges in academic writing and understand the expectations of academic writing here at the University of Aberdeen. Feel free to sign up to as many as you wish or select those you feel you will gain the most from!
We are also happy to work with any member of academic staff to deliver a bespoke in-course workshop or tailored session.
Examples of topics covered:
- Essay writing, researching and planning
- Report writing
- Reflective writing
- Literature reviews
- Critical thinking for writing
- Grammar and punctuation
- Using sources more effectively
- Paragraphs and making arguments
- Academic integrity (including avoiding plagiarism)
- Editing your work
To view the current online workshops and to book a place on one, please log into the online course booking system.
Online Resources - Online resources (including short videos and written guides) are available to help develop your academic writing skills in MyAberdeen: Achieve (Undergraduates) and Achieve+ (Taught Postgraduates)
- The University Library offers a number of online guides on referencing and citing.
- For more information on how to avoid academic misconduct in your work, please access the online material on academic integrity
- Maths & Stats Skills Support
Maths & Stats Support is confidential, non-judgemental and free. It is open to all students, from any discipline and level, whether on-campus or online.
Appointments can be run online or in person; drop-in sessions are on campus; workshops are hybrid.
Appointments You can book an individual appointment, or an appointment for a small group of students. Appointments are available on week days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday), and can be held online (through Teams) or in person.
Appointments can be requested:
- By filling in the study advice request form
- By emailing
Weekly Drop-In Sessions On campus, no booking required, all welcome.
Weekly maths drop-in sessions take place on Wednesdays, 12-2 pm, in Fraser Noble building, room 185:
- First semester: from 16 October until 11 December 2024.
- Second semester: from 19 February until 7 May 2025.
Workshops A programme of Maths Skills workshops, tailored to specific courses or programmes, will run during the first and second semester. Further announcements will be made through courses at the beginning of the teaching session, along with booking details.
If you are a course coordinator or a student class rep and would like to organise a maths support workshop for your class, do not hesitate to get in touch ( or
Online Resources Online Maths Skills resources can be found in Achieve (Undergraduates) and Achieve+ (Taught Postgraduates).
- Approaches to Study
Online Resources Online study advice and resources can be found in Achieve (Undergraduates) and Achieve+ (Taught Postgraduates) in MyAberdeen. These include written guides and short videos on a range of topics.
Workshops Free workshops for undergraduates and postgraduates run throughout term-time on a variety of topics. These include:
- Using study time well
- Reading well
- Time management
- Presentation skills
- Exam revision
- Drop-ins - these are on campus, no booking required! Not a workshop but an opportunity for a quick chat about any aspect of study.
Weekly drop-in sessions take place on Wednesdays in room 506 on level 5 of Sir Duncan Rice Library from 11:00 to 13:00.
Note: drop-ins run this term from 16 October to 4 December.
Information about the workshops can be found in the course booking system.
One-to-one Study Advice Sessions Confidential, individual appointments and small group sessions to discuss study strategies are available.
Appointments can be requested:
- By filling in the study advice request form.
- By emailing
- Neurodivergent Students
Support for neurodivergent students is open to those with an official diagnosis as well as those who suspect that they may be neurodivergent. The support is confidential, non-judgemental and accessible to all levels of study.
As well as online resources, we offer workshops and online and face-to-face individual appointments.
Online Resources Online resources for neurodivergent students can be found in Achieve (Undergraduates) and Achieve+ (Taught Postgraduates).
Workshops Throughout the semester the Student Learning Service run a series of workshops, open to all students, on a variety of topics, these include: note-taking, reading, time management, presentation skills, revision and exams and more.
Contact the Student Learning Service if you are interested:
Appointments Students who are neurodivergent, or suspect they may be, can book an appointment with our Specialist Academic Skills Adviser to discuss current study skills strategies, strengths and challenges.
Appointments can be requested by completing the specialist study skills request form.