Canadian Student Loans and Tax Forms

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Canadian Student Loans and Tax Forms

Student Loans for Canadian students are available for full-time and part-time study at designated schools, including the University of Aberdeen.

For an overview of the financial aid process for Canadian students, visit the Campus Access website.

When you apply for a loan, you are considered for funding by both the Provincial and Federal Governments, meaning you only have to apply once for funding for the year.

Canadian Federal loans are processed via the National Student Loans Service Centre and provincial loans are through the provincial governments and student aid branches.

Last updated April 2024

How to Apply

You should apply through your provincial student assistance office or website. All questions about applications should be directed to the relevant province.

The University of Aberdeen is not involved in processing your application for the loan, however, we can confirm your student status and details about your programme of study.

  • To apply for a loan you will need the University of Aberdeen institution code. This is PUAA.
  • You will need to apply to the province/territory where you live as a permanent resident and then follow the specific regulations for that province when you make your application.
  • An application must be made for each full year of study.
  • If successful you will receive a Master Student Financial Assistance Agreement (MSFAA).
  • You must sign this to agree to the terms and conditions and then once we have confirmed your enrolment the money will be released to you.

Confirmation of Enrolment

Once you receive the form to be completed by the University confirming your student status and details about your programme of study, please forward the form and password (if required) to

If you have an OSAP or Alberta form for completion, please send this to

Please include your University of Aberdeen Student ID number or Applicant ID number in the email.

Tax Forms

Canadian taxpayers who are studying full-time for a degree are eligible to claim the appropriate percentage of tuition fees paid (subject to certain restrictions) as a tax credit. The parent or guardian of the student is also eligible to claim the transferred portion of tuition fees allowed under the Canadian Income Tax Act. Further information is available at Common Deductions and Credits for Students.

We can complete a TL11A form for you for each whole or part month that you were enrolled with the University of Aberdeen and either of the following apply:

  • You were enrolled full-time (you are not considered to be in full-time attendance at a university outside Canada if you are taking courses through a distance learning or online programme).
  • You were enrolled part-time and can claim the disability amount or were enrolled part-time due to a mental or physical impairment.

Students wishing us to complete a TL11A form should email with the following details:

  • Your University of Aberdeen Student ID number
  • Include a blank pdf of the relevant form
  • The tax year(s) for which the form is required

Important Notes

  • Forms are completed in accordance with regulations to reflect the calendar year: 1 January until 31 December.
  • Tuition fees charged for an academic year typically relate to two different tax years (calendar years) and will be apportioned over the two years.
  • Completed Canadian fax forms can only be released to a third party, such as a parent or financial adviser, with the express consent of the student concerned. In all other cases, the form will be emailed directly to the student.
  • Tuition fees are quoted in Pound Sterling (£/GBP).
  • Students are required to submit the completed form to the Canadian Revenue Agency by 30th April of the following year. e.g. a 2024 tax form can only be issued from January 2025 and must be submitted by 30 April 2025.
  • The University cannot complete the T2202 form as this is solely for use in Canadian Institutions.