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Feedback is an essential part of effective learning. Below are some of our frequently asked questions on academic feedback.

What is feedback and why does it matter?

As a student, you are entitled to feedback on all assessments and exams. Feedback should be clear and concise; it should tell you what was good, what was bad and what you need to improve on for next time.

Feedback helps you to identify which areas you need to improve on before the next time you submit a piece of work or sit an exam. When used effectively, feedback can help you to improve your coursework as well as improving your overall academic skills.

What does feedback look like?

Feedback can be written, or come in the form of oral comments given in a tutorial or in a one-to-one session with your tutor or relevant staff member. Feedback can also be given by your classmates or by analysing your own work.

When and where is feedback given?

You can get feedback from a variety of sources including your tutor, lecturer or even your peers. You should be provided with feedback on all assessments. You can also arrange your own study group and give feedback to each other.

What makes for good feedback?

Good feedback should be timely and direct in its approach, and should tell you how to improve for next time.

Whose responsibility is feedback?

Feedback is the responsibility of both staff and students. Detailed in the Institutional framework for feedback, staff will normally provide feedback within three weeks from the submission date, excluding vacation periods.

Likewise, we would encourage you to be proactive in applying the feedback you receive towards improving your future assessments and exams, and taking responsibility of making use of any feedback you receive.

How can feedback be improved?

Feedback can only ever work if you act upon it; it is your education - make the most of it. If you don't feel you are getting adequate feedback when you request it contact the Students' Association by emailing ausaeducation@abdn.ac.uk