Staff Equality Networks
We have a range of Staff Equality Networks which provide a safe space for staff to discuss equality, diversity and inclusion
The University is fully committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion. Our vision is to strive to create an inclusive environment for work and study which celebrates the diversity of our staff and students. In recognising that diversity brings new and engaging perspectives and enriches the experience of all who work, study and visit the University, we will take a proactive approach to embedding and mainstreaming the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion through the University's strategic plan, Aberdeen 2040.
The Technician Commitment aims to ensure visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability for technicians working in higher education and research. The Commitment provides for the University to demonstrate the value and importance on the technician community in delivering on its teaching and learning objectives, and undertaking world class research.
The University first became a signatory of the Technician Commitment in 2018 at which point an action plan was agreed to take forward the principles of the Commitment at the University. A Technical Staff Working Group, led by Professor Nick Forsyth, Vice-Principal (Research), was established in 2024 to conduct a self-assessment process to review work undertaken since 2018 and consult on the development of a new 3-year plan which will form the basis of a renewal to the signatory status.
The Group consists of technicians from across the University, including those in management roles, and supported by HR. The Group is also responsible for overseeing the work undertaken to deliver on the actions, and acting as a consultation channel for the wider technician community.
The requirements of the Technician Commitment signatory application include providing an overview of the University structures and how the management of technical services sits within these.
The new action plan will focus on a number of key areas which relate to ensuring that awareness and promotion of University policies and processes are clear to technical staff, including:
Consultation on the 2025-2028 action plan through the technician forum and other communications channels took place throughout September and October 2024, and formally through PNCC. The Staff Experience Committee have also received an update on this work in November 2024.
The SMT approved the new application and action plan in January 2025.