Can you tell us a little bit about your network?
The Women's Development Network (WDN) is designed to connect all women in our University Community at all grades, career paths and ethnic groups in both formal and informal settings.
The purpose of the network is to:
- Act as a forum for development debate and networking
- Share ideas, experiences, knowledge and opportunities to support colleagues
- Promote equality of opportunity for women across the University
- Provide a source of information and support relating to development processes and mechanisms
The members of the Steering Group responsible for organising the events, are Amanda Lee, Shahida Shahana, Rhiannon Thompson and Clare Trembleau.
How does your network support the inclusive commitment in our 2040 strategy ?
The network primarily focuses on the first of our inclusive commitments which is to 'Care for the wellbeing, health and safety of our diverse community, supporting and developing our people to achieve their full potential'. The network also encourages and enables interdisciplinary working by hosting events that are inclusive of all grades from Academic and Professional Services.
Tell us a little bit about how your network came to be
The Women's Development Network was established in 2020, from a conversation between co-founders Amanda Lee and Marion Malcolm; both had been members of the University Senior Women's Network in the 1990's and realised such a platform offered opportunities to develop, network and influence University policies. They wished the new network to be open to all women giving them a chance to benefit from similar opportunities and support, regardless of grade.
What is the most impactful thing your network has done for our community recently?
It's difficult to single out one highlight because we are incredibly proud of everything the network contributes to the University community! Our membership includes over 160 women, from PGRs, administrators, technicians, and researchers to Professors and Directors. We have created a safe and inclusive environment that has facilitated discussions on a range of topics, from menopause to advancing academic careers. The Network has hosted social events and networking opportunities to connect our members and celebrated women by sharing their inspirational stories at significant events like International Women's Day.
The Steering Group was thrilled to be recognised at the University of Aberdeen's 2023 Excellence Awards with the Excellence in Equality, Diversity & Sustainability award.
What can we expect from the network over the next 6 months?
Two events are planned in the next 6 months, one around neurodiversity (September) and the second a face to face cake/coffee pre-Xmas catch up where one or more WDN members will talk about their journey into/within Higher Education which will open up opportunities for sharing of anecdotes, hints, tips etc. We will be looking for star bakers nearer the time!
What is one thing you'd want members of staff to know about your network?
The network is open to all female colleagues regardless of grade in order to create a space where colleagues can share their experiences and learn from each other. We would actively encourage any of our female colleagues to join us and feel part of a supportive network. The network is also open to PGR's. The network can also access external events which are organised through the AdvanceHE Staff Development Forum which also have a special interest group for Advancing Women's Leadership and their events are advertised to the Network creating even more opportunities to share experiences with colleagues from across the UK HE Sector.
How do I know if the network is for me?
Why not come along to the next event, say hello and meet likeminded members? You need only part take in events that you wish pressure!
Read more about the Women's Development Network here !