Policies, guidance and legislation

In this section
Policies, guidance and legislation

Staff Only

Disciplinary Procedure
Grievance Procedure
Staffing Policy: Staff: Staff Relationships
Staff Code of Conduct

Student Only

Complaints handling procedure
Code of Practice on Student Discipline (Non-Academic)
Support for Study Policy

Staff and Students

Addressing Gender Based Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy
Antiracism Strategy
Dignity at Work and Study Policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Menopause Policy
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
Neurodiverse Equality Policy
Staffing Policy: Staff and Students Conflict of interest
Religion and Belief Policy
Transgender Equality Policy
University Complaints Handling Procedure



Dealing with a disclosure
Formal approach to dealing with unacceptable behaviour
Informal approach to dealing with unacceptable behaviour
What to do if you are accused of bullying, harassment or discrimination


Formal approach to dealing with unacceptable behaviour
Informal approach to dealing with unacceptable behaviour
What to do if you are accused of bullying, harassment or discrimination

Staff and students

Cyberbullying and Harassment - Information Security Campaign
Dealing with difficult conversations
Examples of unacceptable behaviour
Staff and Student Microaggressions and gaslighting guidance
Staff Networks and Student Forums

Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination are covered by a number of pieces of legislation. For the purposes of this policy the most relevant issues are covered by the following Acts: