Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 10 of 10, 02 - 29 June 2017
Petya Ransomware Attack
This week's ransomware attack, Petya, which hit Ukrainian bank and government systems, is now affecting major companies across Europe and the US.
Rowett staff showcase research at Royal Highland Show
Staff from the University of Aberdeen Rowett Institute had a busy time last week, taking part in the Royal Highland Show.
Library first stop on charity culture crawl
The Sir Duncan Rice library was the first stop for Aberdeen's first ever Maggie's Culture Crawl, which was held to raise money for the city's Maggie's Centre.
Literary Lights Creative Writing Competition
This summer, in association with the Grassic Gibbon Centre, the University of Aberdeen hosted the first Literary Lights Creative Writing Prize.
Aberdeen researchers accepted on to Scottish Crucible programme
Two University of Aberdeen academics have been accepted on to one of the UK's flagship leadership and development programmes for researchers.
Report highlights earning potential for Aberdeen graduates
Engineering, teaching and law graduates from the University of Aberdeen can expect to earn significantly more than the sector average for their profession, according to UK Government figures.
University chaplains conference hailed a success
Over 70 delegates from across Europe and beyond visited the University of Aberdeen last week for the Conference of European University Chaplains (CEUC).
Third time lucky for popular student journal
The third volume of a popular University of Aberdeen student-led journal has been published.
Digital strategy open session - Watch Video
Watch Professor Phil Hannaford as he discusses the University's digital transformation at one of his recent open sessions.
Security arrangements
The UK terrorism threat level was reduced earlier this week from ‘critical’ to ‘severe’. Whilst a reduction in the threat level is welcome, we would urge everyone to remain vigilant. The University will continue to review the arrangements for future events, including graduation ceremonies. As a precaution, some of the measures which...