TH1.H2.2 +D1 Trachea and Extrapulmonary Bronchi

Trachea and Extrapulmonary Bronchi:

  • The trachea and the extrapulmonary primary bronchi have the same basic tissue organisation
  • The skeleton of the trachea and extrapulmonary bronchi is provided by a series of horseshoe shaped plates of hyalin cartilage
  • The free ends of these cartilage plates are joined, posteriorly, by bundles of smooth muscle, the trachealis muscles
  • Contraction of these muscle fibres will reduce the luminal diameter of the trachea / bronchus
  • Lumen of the trachea and extrapulmonary bronchi are lined by a pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells (respiratory epithelium) similar to that found lining the upper respiratory tract
  • In the connective tissue which lies between the epithelium lining the lumen and the hyalin cartilage plates of cartilage submucosal mucus glands are present which contribute towards the secretions released onto the luminal surface of the epithelium to humidify the air and trap dirt particles

Diagrams of Trachea:

    Diagram of Trachea 1 Diagram of Trachea 2