PP2.H1.5 +D1 The Mediastinum Testis

The Mediastinum Testis:

  • The mediastinum testis is the thickened area of connective tissue which lies at the posterior aspect of the testis
  • Connective tissue septae extend from the mediastinum testis to subdivide the testis into lobules
  • The open ends of the seminiferous tubules are continuous with the proximal parts of the excretory portions of the male genital tract
  • Within the substance of the mediastinum testis lies the first part of the excretory duct system of the testis - the rete testis
  • The rete testis is an interconnecting labyrinth of epithelial lined spaces which acts as a sink for the spermatozoa produced in the seminiferous tubules
  • From the rete testis, the spermatozoa are passes into the ductuli efferentes which pass out of the postero-superior part of the mediastinum testis

The Rete Testis in Mediastinum Testis:

    The rete testis in mediastinum testis