TH1.H1.2D2 Cardiac Muscle Cells

Cardiac Muscle Cells: Continued

  • Look closely and identify some dense bands (arrowed)
  • These are the intercalated discs which connect adjacent cardiac muscle cells
  • Notice that the cardiac muscle cells have large "sausage" shaped euchromatic (pale staining) nuclei
  • There are also many small densely stained nuclei
  • These densely stained nuclei are mostly the nuclei of endothelial cells lining the capillaries which lie adjacent to the cardiac muscle cells
  • Mircrograph of An Area of Myocardium

    This micrograph shows an area of myocardium. Numerous cardiac muscle cells are cut in longitudinal section


Look closely and see that there are many capillaries in this section of the myocardium
Why would myocardium have such a rich supply of capillaries?