Annual Review

Annual Review
Annual Review for the Schools incorporating the Life Sciences and Medicine

The annual review process for the Schools incorporating the Life Sciences and Medicine has been revised for Academic Staff (Grades 6 and above only).

The Schools are committed to ensuring that staff receive appropriate support and guidance to allow them to undertake their role to a high standard. By revising the process we aim to ensure that members of staff have a clear understanding of the School and  expectations of them and the Annual Review meeting will allow the opportunity for a detailed conversation on the contribution that individuals make towards their School and strategic objectives.

The main enhancements are that prior to an Annual Review meeting and on a bi-annual basis, staff (Grade 6 and above) will be provided with information and data, in respect of all elements of the Framework of Academic Expectations (FAE) that will help to inform the Annual Review discussion. Every Reviewer the Schools incorporating the Life Sciences and Medicine will receive appropriate training on the revised procedure before they undertake any reviews.

The Schools incorporating the Life Sciences and Medicine Athena Swan Teams have also made suggestions to improve the process by including clear links for the Mentoring Scheme, Staff Development, and for the Equality and Diversity Training Courses.

It is the University's expectation that every member of staff undertakes an annual review. All annual reviews should be completed between 1 March - 31 May annually, and the mid-year reviews then being undertaken from 1 September - 30 November.

This form should be completed in preparation for your review:

If you require further guidance please read this document:

You are also encouraged to complete the following form after your review so that the success of the process can be monitored:

The Purpose of Annual Review

Annual Review enables individual members of staff to review and reflect on their performance over the previous 12 months and to obtain some feedback.

In addition it provides the opportunity to set objectives so that members of staff are clear about what is expected of them for the next 12 month period. Annual review also takes into account career aspirations and provides the opportunity to link with the separate promotion procedures.

Training and development requirements should be identified as part of the review. There is also an opportunity to provide upward feedback.

Annual Review Documentation

Two sets of Annual Review forms have been produced. One form has been designed and is recommended for use by staff in Grades 1 to 4 and the other form is recommended for staff in Grades 5 to 9. Detailed guidance on the completion of the forms is also provided.

The job description should be considered as the initial step in annual review and updated if necessary.

Non Academic Grades 1-4

Non Academic Grades 5-9

Non Academic Staff Checkists

Academic Staff

Academic Staff Checklists

Annual Review Discussion

  • The quality of the discussion between the reviewer and the member of staff who is being reviewed is the key factor which will determine the effectiveness of the Annual Review process.
  • Completion of the form provides both the reviewer and the member of staff being reviewed with a framework for the discussion.
  • We recommend that both parties consider what they wish to achieve through the review process and plan the discussion accordingly.
  • Annual Review is a two way process and it is expected that the person being reviewed will do most of the talking.

Follow Up Meeting

It is good practice to have a brief follow up meeting after 6 months to ensure that progress is being made in relation to the objectives which have been set and to make any changes which may be required.


We have a commitment to evaluate the Annual Review process and members of staff are encouraged to complete the Evaluation Form.

Annual Review Training

Generic Annual Review training is available through our e-learning platform but if you would like to asstend a session tailored to the University Annual Review process you can attend the Management Module for Annual Review or email Staff Development to discuss your needs.