Update Pay Related Topics May 2023
- we are building on work already progressed by the Workload Review Planning Group in creating a proposed new approach to workload allocation for academic staff through the Workload Planning Implementation Group.
- discussions are ongoing with Schools and Directorates under the 'Ways of Working' project to identify practical steps that can be taken to address/reduce workload via measures such as more integrated and effective IT systems, improving the efficiency of teaching, reviewing assessments, smarter allocation of teaching time across the academic year, as well as University and School research leave schemes. This is in addition to the prioritisation of investment in Academic and Professional Services areas to support income growth and address the areas of greatest pressure.
Employment contract types
- the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group agreed new guidance for the University's use of casual contracts (Temporary Services and Guaranteed Minimum Hours (GMH) contracts) which is being piloted this academic year.
- This includes new minimum thresholds for hours to be offered in GMH contracts as well as monitoring of practice in this area to consider alternative contract types at the earliest opportunity, with the HR Team working closely with Schools and Directorates.
Pay gaps
- the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group oversees the work that continues with the aim of reducing pay gaps, including taking forward recommendations arising from the Equal Pay Audit, undertaken by an external consultancy, and actions from our annual Gender Pay Gap report.
- Recent progress includes the implementation of the new Recruitment and Selection Policy/Toolkit (including specific measures relating to positive action, to encourage and consider applications from under-represented groups, in our recruitment and selection practices), the ongoing negotiations to harmonise terms and conditions of employment, as well as consultation on a new Pay Policy which we aim to implement later this month. A key aim of the latter is to ensure consistency and fairness in our pay practices in areas, such as appointment of new staff to the University, contribution awards and progression through promotion.
- Our 2022 Gender Pay Gap report is due to be published this month. Based on data at 31 March last year both the mean and median Gender Pay Gaps have reduced. We have clear actions to close the gap further.
Higher Education pay spine
- the Reward Consultation and Negotiation Group will also be taking forward work to review the pay spine, in line with discussions at a national level. We had hoped that further progress nationally would have been made in this area to ensure that what we do locally fits with recommendations at a national level.