Kaltura Video Service
The Kaltura streaming video service for MyAberdeen will be decommissioned from Friday 17 May 2019, because all video content is now managed in Panopto. Take action now: Please make sure you check your MyAberdeen course areas for Kaltura links/embedded videos If you recognise the video icon (below) or the “Watch Media” link, your...
DataFest19 encourages doing #DataTogether in the belief that collaboration between different industry sectors and disciplines, academics, data practitioners, students, public sector, and business specialists is a key element towards data driven innovation. There is an exciting programme of daily events happening locally throughout the Fringe Fest and we have three free...
CPD services drop-in sessions.
Staff drop-in sessions now available to help you with all aspects of conference and event management. Talk to CPD Services at our upcoming drop-in sessions: Wed 20 February, 11.00-1.00pm, Aberdeen Sports Village, Aquatics Centre Foyer Thurs 28 March, 11.00-1.00pm, The Rowett Institute, Staff Lounge Tues 23 April, 10.00-12.30pm, Meston Building, North Foyer (the entrance...
Can YOU spot a phishing email?
In light of January’s targeted attack on the University, we’d like to remind everyone to be on their guard against phishing email.