Management of Asbestos Materials within University Buildings

Management of Asbestos Materials within University Buildings

To prevent asbestos-containing materials being disturbed, University staff are reminded that only Estates staff and their authorised contractors are to carry out any works, however minor, which will interfere with the fabric of the University's buildings.

Asbestos has been used in the construction of many of the University's buildings.  Providing it is in good condition, not likely to be damaged and not likely to be worked on, it is safe to leave the asbestos in place.  

Rigorous systems are in place to ensure those working on the fabric of the buildings do not inadvertently disturb asbestos. The Estates Section has a register of the locations of all known asbestos containing materials used in the construction of the buildings and checks are made against this before work is carried out.  It is vital that all works which could interfere with the fabric of the buildings (eg. lifting ceiling tiles, putting up shelves, running cables and pipes, drilling into walls or doors) are carried out by Estates staff or contractors and not by anyone else.

Asbestos in Equipment

Asbestos may also be present in some older items of equipment used by the Schools. Some of these items may already be identified and labelled, some may not.  Only those trained to work with asbestos can do so following an appropriate risk assessment to determine the presence of asbestos. 

Items containing asbestos may only be disposed of by an organisation with an asbestos waste handling carrier’s license and disposed of at a site licensed to accept asbestos waste.  Disposal will be arranged by Estates. 


What you should do

Inform your local Estates Clerk of Works of any intended building works or the installation of larger pieces of equipment. You can also contact the Asbestos Co-ordinator (, ext 2214). A visit will be arranged and advice given.