The Conversation

The Conversation

The Conversation is seeking a number of special articles to run over the Christmas and New Year period. We are looking for some seasonal content to launch from early December, as well as end of year reviews on certain big stories from 2014.

The website is also looking for a range of experts to comment on the 10-year anniversary of the Boxing Day tsunami.  The editors are particularly keen to hear from anyone who has done research on the science of tsumanis, monitoring them, or on political and social impact of the 2004 disaster.

On more general mattters here are some of the ideas The Conversation are keen to comission around – it is by no means restrictive. If you've got something else that you think fits, please let us know.

  1. Why and when specifically did Christmas become more important than New Year in Scotland?
  2. Hangover cures
  3. New year babies - what does research say about kids born at certain times of the year?
  4. What children can learn from watching musicals and old films
  5. How to get teenagers to revise for mock exams in January
  6. The science of meditation and reflection
  7. Five animals we might lose this year
  8. What new environmental tech can we expect in the coming year?
  9. Is making a new years resolution to be environmentally-friendly worthwhile?
  10. International villains/heroes of the year.
  11. Just how bad was 2014 for international relations?
  12. A round-up of the 4-5 international elections/leadership changes to watch in the new year (not including the UK)

Articles will need to be around 800 words long. The final deadline for copy will be Friday 12 December.

For more information or to discuss further, please contact: