Gaelic awareness training to be offered to all staff

Gaelic awareness training to be offered to all staff

The University will be offering regular Gaelic Awareness training in response to the 2013 Staff Equality and Diversity Survey, which showed that 1 in 5 respondents were interested in learning Gaelic or finding out more about Gaelic at the University.

The survey also showed that approximately 1 in 10 respondents were able to speak Gaelic to some level of ability.

Through its recently launched Gaelic Language Plan, the University is committed to encouraging the learning and use of Gaelic on campus for both staff and students. The next Gaelic awareness course, to be delivered by the Scottish Government’s current Gaelic Ambassador, Ruairidh MacLean, will take place on Monday, 26 August, between 9.30am and 4pm.

The course aims to help staff to understand the origins of the Gaelic language and its importance to Scottish identity, and what a Gaelic Language Plan is for. It is open to all staff and there are no entry requirements.

Gaelic Development and Policy Officer, Ashley Powell, commented: “It is underestimated just how important the Gaelic language is to Scotland. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with a language which is being revitalised and has a fascinating history and culture.”

In addition to the training, there are also conversation circles, held fortnightly through the academic year, for staff and students to practice their Gaelic skills.

Ashley added: “In March, we also subsidised some staff places on a new Ùlpan course, which is a type of Gaelic class run by the Language Centre. Ùlpan focuses on developing speaking skills in the language and is said to be able to bring complete beginners up to fluency very quickly. We also ran singing circles for the first time last year, and these were open to everyone, even if they couldn’t speak Gaelic.”

“The Gaelic events we put on at the May Festival proved to be extremely popular, showing that people really are interested in the subject. It provided students and staff with an opportunity to learn more about the language and culture through a variety of art forms.”

“Census figures since 2001 have shown that the number of Gaelic speakers in Aberdeen city and shire has steadily increased, so there definitely is a need for better Gaelic provision and communication.”

To learn more about the Gaelic Plan or the University’s Gaelic initiatives, please visit

There is also a mailing list to provide members with regular updates on current Gaelic events and news. To sign up to the list or for further information on initiatives like the Gaelic awareness course, email:

Trèanadh ann an Mothachadh na Gàidhlig do gach Neach-Obrach

Bidh an t-Oilthigh a’ tabhainn trèanaidh cunbhalaich ann an mothachadh na Gàidhlig an-dèidh toraidhean na Suirbhidh Co-Ionnanachd agus Iomadachd son luchd-obrach 2013, a dhearbh gun robh ùidh aig 1 ann an 5 luchd-freagairt ann an Gàidhlig ionnsachadh no barrachd fiosrachaidh fhaighinn air Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh.

Dhearbh na toraidhean cuideachd gun robh cuid sgilean labhairt ann an Gàidhlig aig mu 1 ann an 10 luchd-freagairt.

Tron Phlana Ghàidhlig a bha air a chur air bhog o chionn ghoirid, chuir an t-Oilthigh roimhe gus ionnsachadh is cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh air an àrainn airson luchd-obrach is oileanaich. Tha an ath chùrsa mothachadh na Gàidhlig, a bhios air a ruith leis an Tosgaire Gàidhlig làithreach aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Ruairidh MacIlleathain, Diluain, 26 An Lùnastal, eadar 9.30m agus 4f.

Tha an cùrsa ag amas ri barrachd thuigse a thoirt do luchd-obrach air eachdraidh na Gàidhlig agus a cudromachd don fhèin-aithne Albannach, agus feumalachd Plana Gàidhlig. Tha e fosgailte do gach neach-obrach agus chan eil riatanas inntrigidh sam bith ann.

Thuirt Oifigear Leasachaidh is Poileasaidh, Ashley Powell: “Gu tric cuirear neo-luach air cho cudromach a tha a’ Ghàidhlig don Alba. Seo sàr chothrom a dh’fhàs nas eòlaiche air cànan a bhios air ath-bheòthachadh agus aig a bheil eachdraidh is cultar togarrach.”

A bharrachd air an trèanadh, bidh cearcaill còmhraidh a’ ruith gach cola-deug tron bhliadhna acadaimeagaich, a bheir cothrom do luchd-obrach is oileanaich an sgilean Gàidhlig a chleachdadh.

Thuirt Ashley cuideachd: “Sa Mhàrt, bha sinn cuideachd a’ tabhainn àireamh àiteachan an-asgaidh airson luchd-obrach air cùrsa Ùlpan ùr, seòrsa cùrsa Gàidhlig a tha air a ruith leis an Ionad Cànain. Nì Ùlpan fòcas air leasachadh sgilean labhairt sa chànan, agus thathar ag ràdh gu bheil e comasach luchd-tòiseachaidh a thoirt gu fileantachd gu math luath. Ruith sinn cuideachd cearcaill seinn an-uiridh son a’ chiad turais, agus bha iad fosgailte don h-uile duine, fiù ’s nach robh Gàidhlig aca”

“Bha ùidh mhòr anns na tachartasan Gàidhlig a chur sinn air dòigh aig May Festival, a’ dearbhadh gu bheil fìor ùidh aig a’ phoball sa chuspair. Thug na tachartasan cothrom do luchd-obrach is oileanaich barrachd ionnsachadh mun chànan is cultar tro diofair sheòrsachan ealain.”

“Tha na h-àireamhan bhon cunntas-sluaigh ann an 2001 a’ dearbhadh gun do dh’adhartaich luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig ann an Obar Dheathain agus Siorrachd Obar Dheathain, is mar sin, tha feum dearbhadh ann airson solarachaidh is conaltraidh nas fheàrr.”

Airson barrachd ionnsachadh mun Phlana Ghàidhlig no iomairtean Gàidhlig an Oilthigh, theirigibh gu

Tha liosta-puist ann cuideachd a bheir fiosrachadh cunbhalach do bhuill air tachartasan agus naidheachd Ghàidhlig. Gus ur n-ainm a chur ris an liosta, no airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh air iomairtean mar chùrsa mothachadh na Gàidhlig, cuiribh post-dealain gu:

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