Marking and Assessment Boycott and Professional Services staff

Marking and Assessment Boycott and Professional Services staff

Update on arrangements for Professional Services staff taking part in the Marking and Assessment Boycott

Dear colleagues,

This is to provide a further update and specifically to confirm arrangements for withholding pay should Professional Services staff decide to participate in the Marking and Assessment Boycott by not undertaking activities that fall under the scope of it.

UCU nationally has indicated in their guidance that the boycott applies to members whose role involves ‘administration relating to marking and assessment, such as preparation of examination board materials, the allocation of marking and moderation duties, or any other administrative tasks related to assessment or marking’.

I am aware that most Professional Services staff are not participating in the boycott but have to make staff aware that, if they do choose to participate, the same arrangements for withholding pay, based on 50% of pay (reserving the right to withhold pay based on 100%) will apply for the period during which such administrative tasks are expected to be undertaken.  In addition, any work that staff who are participating in the boycott continue to undertake will be on a voluntary basis.

Consistent with the additional steps taken for academic staff, the University will provide further opportunities for such work to be completed by Professional Services staff, with a clear final deadline for completion.  If activities are completed by that date, pay will not be withheld.  However, due to reduced time available to extend deadlines, the ability to do so will be limited.

If you are a member of Professional Services staff who is participating or has participated in the boycott, please complete the notification form and return this to your line manager, copying in as soon as possible.  Written confirmation of the dates staff are considered to have participated in the boycott will be provided by line managers and HR – this will also apply in instances where it becomes apparent that staff are participating in the boycott but have not completed a notification form.

The date from which pay will be withheld in these circumstances will be determined by the line manager and the date pay will be withheld to will be the final deadline given for completing the marking and assessment administrative activities. 

If you have any queries please discuss them with your line manager in the first instance.

For more information:

FAQ for staff

FAQ for students

Best wishes


Tracey Slaven

University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer