Candidates announced for election of Senior Governor of Court

Candidates announced for election of Senior Governor of Court

Message sent to staff and students, 28 April

The Senior Governor is responsible for the leadership and effectiveness of the Court as the University’s governing body, with a key role in building a successful relationship between Court and the senior management of the University.

In recent weeks the University has been engaged in the process of recruiting for the role, in order to identify suitable candidates to stand for election by students, staff and members of Court.

The candidates standing for the role are confirmed today as:

  • Ms Julie Ashworth
  • The Very Revd Dr Graham Forbes
  • George K Yule

The election will take place from Wednesday 5 May to Friday 7 May 2021 (voting closes at 5pm) when you will be able to vote for the person you feel is best qualified to lead Court. 

You can read the candidates’ election statements and further information on the process hereVoting instructions will be issued on Wednesday 5 May by e-mail from Civica Election Services to students and staff who are eligible to vote.

An open meeting, where you can hear from the candidates and ask questions, will be held on Tuesday 4 May at 2pm via Teams Live (a recording will be available if you cannot attend).  A link to the open meeting will be sent to you on Monday, along with joining instructions.

Students who are fully matriculated, or staff who are employed on a salaried contract, as at 12 April 2021 (including those on furlough) are entitled to vote. This includes students at our Qatar campus, and those registered for online and distance learning programmes.  Further information on who is eligible to vote in the election is available here.

Individuals who are registered as students and as members of staff will receive their voting information through both e-mail addresses, but the voting system will only allow you to vote once.

Further information about the election is contained within our FAQs which should address any questions you may have.  Queries can also be sent to

The Senior Governor is a hugely important role, all the more so given the size and complexity of the University and the increasingly competitive world of higher education.

We very much hope that students and staff take the opportunity to use their vote in this important election.

Best wishes


Tracey Slaven
University Secretary and Chief Operating Officer