Has your research shifted to the digital environment? Not sure where to start?

Has your research shifted to the digital environment? Not sure where to start?

Why not join one of our Digital Research Skills sessions. It could be a half hour well spent!

We – the Digital Research Team – recognise that some of you are new to the digital research environment and may need some guidance to transition your projects into it. So we are hosting a series of Digital Research Skills sessions to help you. 

These sessions are short and snappy, with a 15 minutes presentation followed by 15 minutes for questions. Topics range from an introduction to survey software to using the Maxwell HPC. Feedback so far has been great and we’re planning more sessions. 

Sessions are open to staff and PGRs. So even if you simply want to see if the subject matter is relevant to your research, why not book on a session today. It could be a half hour well spent! Visit the Course Booking System to see forthcoming sessions and to book online. 

To find out more about how we can help you, visit our web page or contact us at digitalresearch@abdn.ac.uk


Author: Digital Research Team, DDIS