Covid-19 - Changes to Sir Duncan Rice Library opening hours

Covid-19 - Changes to Sir Duncan Rice Library opening hours

Message to staff and students from the Senior Vice Prinicpal - Wednesday 11 March 2020

Dear students and colleagues,  

From Thursday 12 March, The Sir Duncan Rice Library will close every night at 10.00pm instead of midnight to allow for intensive cleaning. The University is closely monitoring the Covid-19 outbreak, and is making every effort to ensure our buildings are clean and safe for our community.

Study spaces in the MacRobert Building will remain available 24/7.

The University is following national guidance and our plans are under continuous review. At the moment we are still preparing for 24-hour opening of The Sir Duncan Rice Library from 19 April in the lead up to the May diet of exams, but we will continue to monitor the situation and update you of developments.

While the University is increasing cleaning of buildings, staff and students should continue to follow NHS guidance on personal hygiene, including:

  • Regularly washing your hands with soap and water. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or into a flexed elbow, then throw the tissue in the bin, and wash your hands.

Soap supplies are checked regularly but please let a member of staff know immediately if soap needs to be replenished.

More information and FAQs can be found at If you have a question that is not included in our FAQs, please email

Best wishes,


Professor Karl Leydecker
Chair of the Coronavirus Steering Group
Senior Vice-Principal