Parking Enforcement - new legislation

Parking Enforcement - new legislation

As part of our parking enforcement measures the University issues parking charge notices. We do this for a number of reasons including; to make sure people and vehicles can move around the campus safely, to prevent obstructions, to ensure parking payments are made, and to ensure our limited parking resources are used as effectively as possible. You should be aware of the parking enforcement process if you park at the University yourself or if you invite visitors or contractors to the University.

New legislation has been introduced which will result in minor changes to the way appeals against parking charge notices are handled by the University and our enforcement contractor. The new legislation means that regulated parking enforcement across the UK will operate in the same way.

Currently, initial appeals are made to the parking enforcement company. If that is unsuccessful a secondary appeal can be made to the University. From 1st May 2019 this will change. Initial appeals will still be made to the parking enforcement company but, if unsuccessful, a secondary appeal can be made to the POPLA (Parking On Private Land Appeals) independent adjudication service.

If you, or someone visiting you, is issued a parking charge notice at the University we recommend you don’t ignore it. If it has been issued incorrectly or unfairly it can be appealed using the appeals information on the back of the parking charge notice. More information on parking enforcement and the appeals process via POPLA can be found here or through citizens’ advice.  

To avoid parking enforcement measures please ensure you always check the information on parking signage, display a valid permit, and park in a marked bay. Remember to advise any visitors or contractors you invite to campus about the parking restrictions that are in place.