Page 1 of 1Results 1 to 6 of 6, 02 - 30 November 2021
Court Digest
The University's govening body, the Court, met on 23 November. You can read a brief summary of the main items of business that it discussed by clicking here.
Sustainable Business Travel Consultation Reminder
The Sustainable Business Travel Working Group is seeking your help in developing recommendations on how we approach business travel in future. We are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions before 2040 and recognise that business travel (both domestic and international) underpins a cross-section of University activities, including education, research...
Geography students and staff collect microplastics in beach clean
The Geography Department beach clean at the Donmouth in Aberdeen involved students and staff getting outdoors in sunny weather and helping to address the problem of microplastic pollution - one piece of polysterene at a time.
Pet and Companion (PEACE) sessions return!
Need to talk? We are pleased to let you know that Pet and Companion (PEACE) sessions will be back at the Multi-faith Chaplaincy! PEACE is a charitable organisation that provides pastoral care along with canine therapy for people requiring support and companionship. Sessions will be available on Mondays between 11am-3pm and Tuesdays...
Hungry but don't want to queue for your food?
Hungry but don’t want to queue for your food, our new order ahead webapp RockSalt Hospitality is now Live! Click on the QR code here or simply scan it wherever you see it across campus and save it as a shortcut to your mobile device for quick and easy access! There’s no...
Face coverings in University buildings & Libraries
In Scotland face coverings remain a legal requirement when you’re indoors. This includes all University buildings and when seated at a desk in any of our libraries. If you aren’t wearing a mask in our libraries a member of staff will ask you to do so, unless you are wearing...