Page 1 of 3Results 1 to 10 of 27, 19 - 29 March 2024
St Machar Drive - Temporary Traffic Controls
There will be traffic controls on St Machar Drive between 15 April and 26 April.
Recruitment phishing attack targeting students
This advice has been emailed to all University of Aberdeen undergraduates, research postgraduates, and taught postgraduates due to the nature of a phishing attack that occurred overnight on Tuesday 26 March. What happened? Approximately 800 phishing emails were sent to University of Aberdeen postgraduate students overnight, with the premise of offering a...
Chinese language and culture programme at Wuhan University
Experience the vibrant life in the city of Wuhan with its renowned university and deepen your Chinese language skills with a two-week language and culture programme with scholarship-funded places available, 1st-14th September. Find out more here.
1 week to go to apply for Converge!
The application deadline for Converge 2024 is fast approaching!
Don Street Roadworks
Don Street Closure from 2 April affecting bus services 9U and 20.
Join Psychology Participant Panel
Are you interested in participating in paid psychology studies? If so, join the School of Psychology's Participant Panel.
ILM Level 2 Award - FLASH SALE
Are you keen to develop your leadership and management skills? You can gain a professionally accredited qualification for only £25.
Beware Tax Season Phishing
Cyber criminals are very good at exploiting seasonal events and current affairs to lend legitimacy to their scams. As we approach the end of the financial year an opportunity is presented for criminals to trick unsuspecting victims into providing sensitive information, transferring funds, or downloading malware onto their devices. In the...
Lapsafe Loan Laptop service update
The recently launched LapSafe Loan Laptop service has now been expanded to include an installation at the Student Village/Hillhead Halls of Residence. It is located in Roomm C, Flat 208, Fyfe House, Hillhead. Click here to find out more.
Student Decolonising Network
Register interest for the Student Decolonising Network, hosted by Decolonising SBS group and Students’ Union – Whether you're actively undertaking decolonising work, or starting your journey, this platform will offer an opportunity to connect and collaborate. All students from UG to PGR are welcome to share their initiatives, insights, and...