Page 1 of 2Results 1 to 10 of 14, 05 - 13 June 2024
Applications for the Santander Universities Research Awards 2024 are now open!
About the Santander Universities Research Awards As part of Santander Universities’ commitment to supporting higher education, they’ve launched this initiative exclusively for postgraduate students and academic staff providing them with the funds they need to support or develop their research. Developed following feedback from partner institutions, Santander Universities are giving away 50...
Using specialised classroom software for your dissertation this summer?
On Monday 1 July 2024, we will begin rolling out software upgrades across our PC classrooms to prepare for the new academic year. We understand the importance of stability for those of you using specialised software to work on dissertations. To accommodate your needs, the following classrooms will not be...
Removal of ArcGIS Desktop Application
ESRI have advised that from 1 August 2024 ArcGIS Desktop (ARCMap) will no longer be available for use. If you require a GIS application, you will need to use ArcGIS Pro instead. At present you do not need to take any action – we will release further communications before this...
Pride Month In Our Libraries
It’s June – our libraries have their Pride displays up! Check them out for resources on the past, present and future of LGBTQ+ communities worldwide. Old Aberdeen Library’s selection includes some great queer fiction to get lost in. See more recommended resources on this reading list.
University of Calgary delegation visits the University
A delegation from the University of Calgary, led by President Dr. Ed McCauley, visited the University for 2 days to strengthen ties and explore joint research and innovation opportunities, as well as the Aberdeen-Curtin-Calgary Alliance initiatives. The team engaged in focused sessions on Energy, Health, Humanities, International mobility Research topics....
Register to vote in the UK General Election
On 4th July 2024, a General Election is taking place in the UK. This is a great opportunity to help shape the future of the country and make sure that politicians represent the views of students! Register to vote below by 18 June 2024.
Summer On Campus - Opening Hours & Availability
Below we have gathered some useful information for those using campus during the summer months.
Athena Swan Success for School of Engineering
The School of Engineering was awarded the Athena Swan Bronze Award for a period of 5 years. The successful application was co-led by Dr Marina Menshykova and Prof. Sumeet S. Aphale (EDI Lead for the School of Engineering).
Removal of courses in academic year 2021/22 from MyAberdeen
In accordance with university policy, course areas associated with the Academic Year 2021-22 will be removed from MyAberdeen at 12 noon on Friday 2nd August 2024. Please download any assignments or other work you submitted to 2021/22 courses that you wish to retain. Revisit the assignment on MyAberdeen to download...
Access to MyAberdeen for Graduating Students
If you are finishing your studies this summer, you will lose access to MyAberdeen as soon as your IT account closes.