Resources for Schools and Teachers of Religious Education

In this section
Resources for Schools and Teachers of Religious Education
1. Case-study videos showing how three church schools engaged with the CEFAW project beyond the classroom

a. Saighton CE School planned a wide-ranging project focused on the welfare of farmed chickens. They raised funds to rehome chickens from battery cages, involved children with looking after them, and use craftivism to make a presentation to the school catering manager asking him to stop sourcing eggs from chickens kept in cages. (8 minute video)

b. Smallwood CE School used project resources to teach children about what chickens needed to flourish. They visited a local farm and had the opportunity to ask a farmer about the opportunities the chickens have for flourishing, considered the implications for the care of the chickens kept at school, and engaged with the local council about the animal welfare standards relating to animal products served in school. (6 minute video)

c. Sacred Heart RC School already had a school farm. In this video, the Headteacher and school children discuss the school’s understanding of the relationship between the flourishing of animals and the flourishing of children. (5 minute video)

2. Lesson overviews, lesson plans, handouts, and Powerpoint presentations.

a. Key Stage 3 (aimed at students 11–14 years old)

This is a series of four planned lessons introducing the topic of farmed animal welfare, its connection to Christian belief and ethics, and practical implications in relation to the consumption of animal products.

Key Stage 3 lesson plans (4 lessons)  

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

b. Key Stage 5 (aimed at students 16–18 years old)

  • Powerpoint presentation (currently being edited for accessibility)
  • Worksheet (currently being edited for accessibility)
3. Short educational videos discussing project themes

a. Flourishing: What does good farmed animal welfare look like? (6 minutes)

b. Stewardship: How can we care for other creatures and the environment? (6 minutes)

c. Citizenship: What can we do about animal welfare? (6 minutes)