Exploring Scandinavian language, history and culture
Scandinavian Studies
In the autumn 2007 the Centre for Scandinavian Studies was launched at the University of Aberdeen. The centre is an interdisciplinary research institution, crossing discipline boundaries, and is the base from which undergraduate and postgraduate Scandinavian Studies operate. This part of the school of Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History focuses on aspects on Scandinavian language, history and culture. In particular students and staff participate, promote and enhance different projects, networks, conferences and interests, related to Scandinavia.
The Centre runs its own MLitt in Viking and Medieval Nordic Studies, PhD programme in Scandinavian Studies, and courses connected with the Centre as part of the undergraduate degree programme in History include "Vikings!" (level 1) and “Myths of the North” (level 4). Members of the Centre also contribute to other undergraduate courses including "Making History" (level 1).