Dr Xiaoqing Chen

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Dr Xiaoqing Chen
Dr Xiaoqing Chen
Dr Xiaoqing Chen

BA, MRse, Cert Ed.(HE), PhD

Senior Lecturer

Accepting PhDs

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 274088
Office Address

Room 724, MacRobert Building, King Street,

Aberdeen AB24 5UA

Scotland UK

Business School


Xiaoqing Chen joined the Business School (UoA) in August 2018 as Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Management Studies and has been promoted to Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in August 2022 and appointed as the Director of Internationalisation in September 2022.

She received her PhD in Management Studies from the Business School at the University of Aberdeen in June 2018.

Before joining the University of Aberdeen, Xiaoqing lectured in Aberystwyth University as Associate Lecturer in Tourism Management (January – July 2018).

Research interests

Xiaoqing is interested in the tourism studies, with a further interest in tourism impacts upon host community, and touristic experience. Her research has deeply engaged with philosophical concepts from Martin Heidegger, e.g., dwelling, being-in-the-world, and from Confucian, e.g., guanxi; methodologically, Xiaoqing has expertise in using hermeneutic phenomenology to understand the tourism phenomena and tourism-resulted influences in/for locale.


At University of Aberdeen, Xiaoqing has taught in the area of marketing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She led the programme, MSc Marketing Management (August 2018 - January 2020), and developed a new programme, MSc International Tourism Management and has been the Programme Leader (February 2020 - present).

Since 2018, she has been an Associate Fellow at the Higher Education Academy and completed Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Learning & Teaching in 2020.  


She welcomes applications from candidates with a background in marketing or tourism management.

Current supervisees

Duygu Aysun: Media Tourism and the National Trust for Scotland—Producing a model for sustainable tourism for Glenfinnan


  • Associate Fellow 
    2018 - The Higher Education Academy 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Learning & Teaching 
    2020 - University of Aberdeen 

External Memberships

Member of the Chartered Management Institute

Latest Publications

View My Publications


Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Management.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me


Accepting PhDs


My current supervision areas are: Management.

Xiaoqing welcomes applications from candidates with a background in marketing or tourism management.

Funding and Grants

Principal Investigator

  1. Bridging Theory and Practice: Doing Case Study Research in Management Studies (GBP £5000/2020-2022) funded by Society for the Advancement of Management Studies
  2. Local Story and Global Audience: Media Tourism in Doune (GBP £1000/2021) funded by ESRC Festival of Social Science
  3. New Storytelling of Storyteller: Media Tourism in Abbotsford (GBP £4370/2021-2022) funded by University of Aberdeen (Knowledge Exchange and Commercialization project)
  4. Inlander and Outlander: Media Tourism in Rural Scotland (GBP £2000/2021) funded by University of Aberdeen (Public Engagement project)

Deputy Principal Investigator

  1. Horizon 2020 Project: Social and Innovative Platform on Cultural Tourism and Its Potential Towards Deepening Europeanisation (€3.0 million/2020-2023) founded by European Commission.

Co-Principal Investigator

  1. Media Tourism and the National Trust for Scotland (GBP £92921/2022-2025) funded by Scottish Graduate of Social Science-Supervisor-Led Open Collaborative Studentship
  2. The Great Tapestry of Scotland and Cultural Tourism in Galashiels (GBP £5881/2022) funded by University of Aberdeen 




Teaching Responsibilities

Postgraduate - MSc Marketing Management 

(~) BU5991 Digital Marketing (Course Coordinator)

(~) BU502M International Tourism Management (Course Coordinator)

(~) BU552L Destination & Tourists (Course Coordinator)

(~) BU592R International Tourism Management Dissertation 

 Undergraduate - MA Management

(~) MS2006 Marketing

(~) QB2005 Marketing 

(~) MS3551 Understanding the Consumer (Course Coordinator)

(~) QB3503 Understanding the Consumer

(~) MS4540 Dissertation in Management Studies

Non-course Teaching Responsibilities

  1. The deputy exams officer (UG courses/2021 - Now)

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Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings

Contributions to Conferences

Contributions to Journals

Contributions to Specialist Publications