Publications & Documents
The CHARIS research project is ongoing and currently consists of two series of cross-sectional telephone surveys. The thematical focus of CHARIS lies on (1) the adherence to behaviours intended to reduce the transmission of coronavirus and (2) the mental and general health of the Scottish public during the ongoing pandemic. There are also several other research themes explored within the project such as vaccinations or environmental factors.
- Academic Papers
- Dixon, D., et al. (2020). "CHARIS: Covid-19 Health and Adherence Research In Scotland" Health Psychology Update 29 (Special Issue): 44-45.
- Dixon, D., et al. (2021). "Using behavioural theory to understand adherence to behaviours that reduce transmission of COVID‐19; evidence from the CHARIS representative national study." British Journal of Health Psychology.
- Hubbard, G., et al. (2021). "Sociodemographic and Psychological Risk Factors for Anxiety and Depression: Findings from the Covid-19 Health and Adherence Research in Scotland on Mental Health (CHARIS-MH) Cross-sectional Survey." International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
- Hubbard, G., et al. (2021). "Are Rurality, Area Deprivation, Access to Outside Space, and Green Space Associated with Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Cross Sectional Study (CHARIS-E)." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(8): 3869.
- Dixon, D., et al. (2020). Rapid Response: Physical distancing: shifting responsibility for COVID-19 transmission behaviours from the state to the individual [response to Islam et al] BMJ 2020;370:m2743.
- Bulletins and Reports
2021/22 (December - March):
- Adherence Week 1 (2021/22)
- Adherence Week 2 (2021/22)
- Adherence Week 3 (2021/22)
- Adherence Week 4 (2021/22)
- Adherence Week 5 (2021/22)
- Adherence Week 6 (2021/22)
2020 (June - September):
- Change in Adherence Weeks 1-11 (2020)
- Change in Health and Adherence Weeks 1-8 (2020)
- Adherence Week 1-2 (2020)
- Adherence Week 3 (2020)
- Adherence Week 4 (2020)
- Adherence Week 5 (2020)
- Adherence Week 6 (2020)
- Adherence Week 7 (2020)
- Adherence Week 8 (2020)
- Adherence Week 9 (2020)
- Adherence Week 10 (2020)
- Adherence Week 11 (2020)
- Health Outcomes Week 1-2 (2020)
- Health Outcomes Week 3 (2020)
- Health Outcomes Week 4 (2020)
- Health Outcomes Week 5 (2020)
- Health Outcomes Week 6 (2020)
- Health Outcomes Week 7 (2020)
- Health Outcomes Week 8 (2020)
- Presentations
Still to come.
- Study Briefs and Protocols
- Brief Protocol for CHARIS: COVID Health and Adherence Research in Scotland.
- Den Daas, C. et al. (2021). “Protocol of the COVID-19 Health and Adherence Research in Scotland (CHARIS) study: understanding changes in adherence to transmission-reducing behaviours, mental and general health, in repeated cross-sectional representative survey of the Scottish population”. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044135.
- Maciver et al. (2021). “Protocol of the COVID-19 Health Adherence Research in Scotland Vaccination (CHARIS-V) study: Understanding the influence of vaccination decisions on adherence to transmission-reducing behaviours in a prospective longitudinal study of the Scottish Population”. medRxiv