PUrE is a research study collecting information on the different ways of treating lower pole kidney stones. PUrE stands for the Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, flexible Ureterorenoscopy and Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for lower pole kidney stone.
Kidney stone disease is very common (around 10% of adults will suffer in their lifetime) and mainly affects adults of working age (18 - 55 years). Over a quarter of patients with stones will require treatment and about half of all patients will go on to develop another stone.
Although some stones do not cause any problems, patients can develop serious symptoms including pain, infection, bloody urine and their kidneys can stop working as well as normal.
The lower pole (bottom) of the kidney is the most common location for stones in the kidney. These stones are more likely to require treatment, because they can be less likely to pass on their own.
For more information about the study click here
Catheter II is a randomised controlled trial comparing the clincal and cost effectiveness of various washout policies versus no washout policy in prevent catheter associated complications in adults living with long term catheters.
To keep in touch with patients for 2 years and evaluate a range of outcome measures including the number of catheter blockages; satisfaction, catheter-associated urinary tract infections and other complications as well as costs to the NHS.
To find out more information about the study click here