About the IAHS

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About the IAHS

Mission statement

To improve population wellbeing and reduce inequalities through innovative research and lifelong learning. We are committed to inclusivity and sustainability in promoting evidence-based healthcare practices, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and engaging diverse communities.

Vision statement

To deliver measurable improvements in wellbeing across diverse populations through impactful, innovative research and education within an inclusive, friendly and flourishing environment.

Our work

Under the Direction of Professor Alan St. Clair Gibson (Zig) , the IAHS conducts population-based research into the need for, access to, evaluation of, and delivery of healthcare. We create a vibrant research culture that provides staff with the support and facilities required to conduct multidisciplinary work to the highest of standards. As well as producing high quality research findings, the Institute contributes to building capacity in health service research by providing training and development opportunities for its members.

Our work is underpinned by methodological strengths in clinical trials, epidemiology, evidence synthesis, health economics, health technology assessment, medical statistics, and handling large datasets, and it is essential that we continue to invest in these key methodological areas so that we can fully meet our ambitions. We also contribute to research capacity by training and developing existing staff, with particular emphasis on securing prestigious studentships and fellowships.

Strong collaborations exist with other universities, research institutions, foundations and governments within the UK, Europe, America and more than 12 developing countries. Partnerships also exist with major international and bi-lateral agencies such as the European Union (EU), the UK Department for International Development (DFID), United Nations' Children Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), World Bank, World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Population Council (New York). Industry-related collaborations include research projects, consultancies and membership of scientific advisory bodies.

Within our Research area you can learn more about the academic research groups, who each specialise in their own particular area of research.