PhD Studentships

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PhD Studentships

Current PhD studentship opportunities

We currently have no funded PhD opportunities available. Please check back for further updates.

Additional PhD opportunities

We are always keen to hear from well qualified and highly motivated potential PhD students. If you are interested in joining our PhD programme, please send us an email including your curriculum vitae. We receive many contacts per year and will only consider those who fit well within at least one of our research themes - so make clear that you do so in a covering letter. Potential students should be aware, however, that most of the sources of funding for our PhD students only provide fee support at the level for students eligible for 'home' fee status (UK) - see 'UK Parliament - Eligibility for home fee status and student support in Scotland '.

You can read about some of the training available to students and testimonials from previous PhD students here .

Interested persons should contact the head of group, Professor Gary Macfarlane, on .