Understanding the point mass balance and surface ice velocity for the debris-covered glacier, Panchi II, western Himalaya (India)
Vatsal, S., Azam, M. F., Bhardwaj, A., Mandal, A., Ramsankaran, R., Soheb, M., Kutty, S. G., Singh, C., Mishra, S., Ramanathan, A., Bahuguna, I., Joshi, P., Raju, N. J.
From roofs to renewables: Deep learning and geographic information systems insights into a comprehensive urban solar photovoltaic assessment for Stonehaven
The deglacial history of 79N glacier and the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
Roberts, D. h., Lane, T. p., Jones, R. s., Bentley, M. j., Darvill, C. m., Rodes, A., Smith, J. a., Jamieson, S. s., Rea, B. r., Fabel, D., Gheorghiu, D., Davidson, A., Cofaigh, C. Ã., Lloyd, J. m., Callard, S. l., Humbert, A.
Geomorphological signature of topographically controlled ice flow-switching at a glacier margin: Breiðamerkurjökull (Iceland) as a modern analogue for palaeo-ice sheets
Lally, A., Ruffell, A., Newton, A. M., Rea, B. R., Spagnolo, M., Storrar, R. D., Kahlert, T., Graham, C.