
In this section

This page lists most of the texts and articles written on the Rhynie chert; the geology, palaeoenvironments and biota as well as some other related articles referred to in this resource. Suggestions for further inclusions in later versions of this module are welcomed.

Articles of a general nature and book contributions are marked by an asterisk.

*Allison, P. A. & Briggs, D. E. G. 1991. Taphonomy: Releasing data locked in the fossil record. Plenum Press, New York.

Almond, J. E. 1985. The Silurian - Devonian fossil record of the Myriapoda. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B309: 227-237.

Anderson, L. I. & Trewin, N. H. 2003. An Early Devonian arthropod fauna from the Windyfield chert, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Palaeontology, 46, 467-510.

Anderson, L. I., Dunlop, J. A., Horrocks, C. A., Winkelmann, H. M. & Eagar, R. M. C. 1997. Exceptionally preserved fossils from Bickershaw, Lancashire, UK (Upper Carboniferous, Westphalian A (Langsettian)). Geological Journal, 32: 197-210.

Anderson, L. I., Dunlop, J. A., Eagar, R. M. C., Horrocks, C. A. & Wilson, H. M. 1999. Soft-bodied fossils from the roof shales of the Wigan Four Foot coal seam, Westhoughton, Lancashire, UK. Geological Magazine, 135: 321-329.

*Anderson, L. I., Crighton, W. R. B. & Hass, H. 2004. A new univalve crustacean from the Early Devonian Rhynie chert hot spring complex. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 355-369.

Banks, H. P. 1975. Reclassification of Psilophyta. Taxon, 24(4): 401-413.

Barghoorn, E. S. & Darrah, W. C. 1938. Horneophyton a necessary change of name for Hornea. Harvard University Botanical Museum Leaflets, 6: 142-144.

*Baron, M., Hillier, S., Rice, C. M., Czapnik, K. & Parnell, K. 2004. Fluids and hydrothermal alteration assemblages in a Devonian gold-bearing hot-spring system, Rhynie, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 309-324.

Bernini, F. 1986. Current ideas on the phylogeny and the adaptive radiations of Arcarida. Bolletin de Zoologie, 53: 279-313.

Bhutta, A. A. 1972. Observations on the sporangia of Horneophyton lignieri (Kidston and Lang) Barghoorn and Darrah 1938. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 4: 27-34.

Bhutta, A. A. 1973a. On the spores (including germinating spores) of Horneophyton (Hornea) lignieri (Kidston & Lang) Barghoorn & Darrah (1938). Pakistan Journal of Botany, 5: 45-55.

Bhutta, A. A. 1973b. On the spores (including germinating spores) of Rhynia major Kidston & Lang. Biologia, 19: 47-55.

Bhutta, A. A. 1987a. Mitotic cell division in the underground portions of Rhynia gwynne-vaughani Kidston and Lang. Bulletin of the Palaeobotany and Palynology Club of Pakistan, 1: 45-48.

Bhutta, A. A. 1987b. Observations on Rhynia gwynne-vaughani Kidston and Lang. Bulletin of the Palaeobotany and Palynology Club of Pakistan, 1: 1-16.

Boullard, B. & Lemoigne, Y. 1971. Les champignons endophytes du "Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii" K. et L. Étude morphologique et déductions sur leur biologie. Botaniste, 54: 49-89.

*Brock, T. D. 1994. Life at high temperatures. Yellowstone Association for Natural Science, History & Education, Inc.

Cadogan, P. H. 1977. Palaeoatmospheric argon in Rhynie chert. Nature, 268: 38-41.

*Cady, S. L. & Farmer, J. D. 1996. Fossilization processes in siliceous thermal springs: trends in preservation along thermal gradients. In: Brock, G. R. & Goode, J. A. (eds), Evolution of Hydrothermal Ecosystems on Earth (and Mars?). John Wiley, Chichester, pp. 150-173.

*Campbell, K. D., Buddle, T. F. & Browne, P. R. L. 2004. Late Pleistocene silica sinter associated with fluvial, lacustrine, volcaniclastic and landslide deposits at Tahunaatara, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 485-501.

*Carson, G. A. 1991. Silicification of fossils. In: Allison, P. A. & Briggs, D. E. G. (eds), Taphonomy: Releasing data locked in the fossil record. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 455-499.

*Channing, A. & Edwards, D. 2004. Experimental taphonomy: silicification of plants in Yellowstone hot-spring environments. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 503-521.

Claridge, M. F. & Lyon, A.G. 1961. Lung-books in the Devonian Palaeocharinidae (Arachnida). Nature, 191: 1190-1191.

*Cleal, C. J. & Thomas, B. A. 1995. Palaeozoic palaeobotany of Great Britain. Chapman & Hall, London.

Cokendolpher, J. C. & Cockendolpher, J. E. 1982. Re-examination of the Tertiary harvestmen from the Florissant Formation, Colorado (Arachnida: Opiliones: Palpatores). Journal of Paleontology, 56, 1213-1217.

Cokendolpher, J. C. & Poinar Jr, G. O. 1998. A new fossil harvestman from Dominican Republic amber (Opiliones, Samoidae, Hummelinckiolus). Journal of Arachnology, 26, 9-13.

Croft, W. N. & George, E. A. 1959. Blue-green algae from the Middle Devonian of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology, 3(10): 341-353.

*Crowson, R. A. 1970. Classification and Biology. London. 350pp.

Crowson, R. A. 1985. Comments on insecta of the Rhynie chert. Entomologia Generalis, 11: 97-98.

D'Haese, C. A. 2003. Morphological appraisal of Collembola phylogeny with special emphasis on Poduromorpha and a test of the aquatic origin hypothesis. Zoologica Scripta, 32(6): 563-586.

Drum, R. W. 1968. Silicification of Betula wood tissue in vitro. Science, 161: 175-176.

*Dubinin, V. B. 1962. Class Acaromorpha: mites or gnathosomic chelicerate arthropods. In: Rodendorf, B. B. (ed.), Fundamentals of Palaeontology. Acad. Sci USSR, Moscow, pp. 447-473.

Dunlop, J. A. 1994. Filtration mechanism in the mouthparts of tetrapullmonate arachnids (Trigonotarbida, Araneae, Ampblypygi, Uropygi, Schizomida). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society, 9: 267-273.

Dunlop, J. A. 1996a. A Trigonotarbid arachnid from the Upper Silurian of Shropshire. Palaeontology, 39: 605-614.

Dunlop, J. A. 1996b. Systematics of the fossil arachnids. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, vol. hors série: 173-184.

*Dunlop, J. A. 1996c. Arácnidos fósiles (con exclusión de arañas y escorpiones). In: Melic, A. (ed.), Volumen Monográfico: PaleoEntomologica. Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa, 16: 206 (in Spanish and English).

Dunlop, J. A. & Giribet, G. 2003. The first fossil cyphophthalmid (Arachnida, Opiliones) from Bitterfeld amber, Germany. Journal of Arachnology, 31, 371-378.

Dunlop, J. A., Anderson, L. I., Kerp, H. & Hass, H. 2003. Preserved organs of Devonian harvestmen. Nature, 425: 916.

*Dunlop, J. A., Anderson, L. I., Kerp, H. & Hass, H. 2004. A harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) from the Early Devonian Rhynie cherts, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 341-354.

Edgecombe, G. D. & Morgan, H. 1999. Synaustrus and the euthycarcinoid puzzle. Alcheringa, 23: 193-213.

*Edwards, D. 2004. Embryophytic sporophytes in the Rhynie and Windyfield cherts. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 397-410.

*Edwards, D. & Edwards, D. S. 1986. A reconsideration of the Rhyniophytina of Banks. In: Spicer, R. A. & Thomas B. A. (eds), Systematic and taxonomic approaches in palaeobotany, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 199-220.

*Edwards, D. & Selden, P. A. 1993. The development of Early terrestrial ecosystems. Botanical Journal of Scotland, 46: 337-366.

*Edwards, D., Edwards, D. S. & Rayner, R. 1982. The cuticle of early vascular plants and its evolutionary significance. In: Cutler, D. F., Alvin, K. L. & Price, C. E. (eds), The Plant Cuticle. Academic Press for the Linnean Society, London, pp. 341-361.

Edwards, D., Kerp, H. & Hass, H. 1998. Stomata in early land plants: an anatomical and ecophysiological approach. Journal of Experimental Botany, 49: 255-278.

Edwards, D. S. 1980. Evidence for the sporophytic status of the Lower Devonian plant Rhynia gwynne- vaughanii Kidston and Lang. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 29: 177-188.

Edwards, D. S. 1986. Aglaophyton major, a non-vascular land-plant from the Devonian Rhynie chert. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 93: 173-204.

Edwards, D. S. & Lyon, A. G. 1983. Algae from the Rhynie chert. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 86: 37-55.

Eggert, D. A. 1974. The sporangium of Horneophyton lignieri (Rhyniophytina). American Journal of Botany, 61: 405-413.

El-Saadawy, W., & Lacey, W. S. 1979a. The sporangia of Horneophyton lignieri (Kidston and Lang) Barghoorn and Darrah. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 28: 137-144.

El-Saadawy, W. & Lacey, W. S. 1979b. Observations on Nothia aphylla Lyon ex Høeg. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 27: 119-147.

Engel, M. S. and Grimaldi, D. A. 2004. New light shed on the oldest insect. Nature, 427: 627-630.

Fayers, S. R. & Trewin, N. H., 2003. A new crustacean from the Early Devonian Rhynie chert, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 93: 355-382.

*Fayers, S. R. & Trewin, N. H. 2004. A review of the palaeoenvironments and biota of the Windyfield chert. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 325-339.

Fayers, S. R. & Trewin, N. H. 2005. A hexapod from the Early Devonian Windyfield chert, Rhynie, Scotland. Palaeontology, 48: 1117-1130.

Fayers, S. R., Dunlop, J. A. & Trewin, N. H. 2004. A new early Devonian trigonotarbid arachnid from the Windyfield chert, Rhynie, Scotland. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2: 269-284..

Feist, M., Lake, R. D. & Wood, C. J. 1995. Charophyte biostratigraphy of the Purbeck and Wealden of southern England. Palaeontology, 38: 407-442.

Ferris, F. G., Fyfe, W. S. & Beveridge, T. J. 1988. Metallic ion binding by Bacillus substilis: Implications for the fossilization of microorganisms. Geology, 16: 149-152.

Frey, W., Hofmann, M. & Hilger, H. H. 1997. Gametophyte-sporophyte junction in the Lower Devonian plant Horneophyton lignieri? Nova Hedwigia, 64: 549-552.

Garty, J., Giele, C., and Krumbein, W. E. 1982. On the occurrence of pyrite in a lichen-like inclusion in Eocene amber (Baltic). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 39: 139-147.

Geikie, A. 1878. On the Old Red Sandstone of western Europe. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 28: 345-452.

*Gensel, P.G. and Edwards, D. 2001. Plants invade the land - Evolutionary and environmental perspectives. Columbia University Press, New York, 512 pp.

*Goldring, R. 1991. Fossils in the field: information potential and analysis. Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow. 218pp.

Greenslade, P. 1988. Reply to R. A. Crowson's "Comments on Insecta of the Rhynie chert. Entemol. Gener. 11(1/2): 097-098". Entomologia Generalis, 13: 115-117.

*Greenslade, P. & Whalley, P. E. S. 1986. The systematic position of Rhyniella praecursor Hirst & Maulik (Collembola), the earliest known hexapod. In: Dallai, R. (ed.), 2nd. Int. Symp. Apterygota. Univ. Siena, pp. 319-323.

*Groves, J. & Bullock-Webster, G. R. 1920. The British Charophyta. Volume I: Nitellae. The Ray Society, London.

*Habgood, K. S., Hass, H. and Kerp, H. 2004. Evidence for an early terrestrial food web: coprolites from the Lower Devonian Rhynie chert. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 371-389.

Harvey, R., Lyon, A. G. & Lewis, P. N. 1969. A fossil fungus from Rhynie chert. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 53: 155-156.

Hass, H. 1991. Die Epidermis von Horneophyton lignieri (Kidston & Lang) Barghoorn & Darrah. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen, 183: 61-85.

Hass, H. & Remy, W. 1992. Devonian fungi. Interactions with the green algae Palaeonitella. Mycologia, 86: 901-910.

Hass, H., Taylor, T. N. & Remy, W. 1994. Fungi from the Lower Devonian Rhynie chert: Mycoparasitism. American Journal of Botany, 81: 29-37.

Hesse, R. 1989. Silica diagenesis: Origin of inorganic and replacement cherts. Earth Science Reviews, 26: 253-284.

Hirst, S. 1923. On some arachnid remains from the Old Red Sandstone (Rhynie chert Bed, Aberdeenshire). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9), 12: 455-474.

Hirst, S. & Maulik, S. 1926. On some arthropod remains from the Rhynie chert (Old Red Sandstone). Geological Magazine, 63: 69-71.

Horne, J., Mackie, W., Flett, J. S., Gordon, W. T., Hickling, G., Kidston, R., Peach, B. N. & Watson, M. S. 1917. The plant-bearing cherts at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. In: Report of the eighty-sixth meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, John Murray, London, pp. 206-216.

Hueber, F. M. 1992. Thoughts on the early lycopsids and zosterophylls. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 79: 474-499.

Illman, W. I. 1984. Zoosporic fungal bodies in the spores of the Devonian fossil plant Horneophyton. Mycologia, 76: 545-547.

Jeram, A. J., Selden, P. A. and Edwards, D. 1990. Land animals in the Silurian: arachnids and myriapods from Shropshire, England. Science, 250, 658-661.

*Kelman, R., Feist, M., Trewin, N. H. and Hass, H. 204. Charophyte algae from the Rhynie chert. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 445-455.

*Kenrick, P. 1994. Alternation of generations in land plants: New phylogenetic and palaeobotanical evidence. Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 69: 293-330.

Kenrick, P. & Crane, P. 1991. Water-conducting cells in early fossil land plants: implications for the early evolution of tracheophytes. Botanical Gazette, 152: 335-356.

Kenrick, P. & Crane, P. 1998. The origin and early diversification of land plants: a cladistic study. Nature, 389: 33-39.

*Kenrick, P. & Crane, P. R. 1997. The origin and early diversification of land plants, a cladistic study. Smithsonian Institute Press.

*Kerp, H. 2002. The Rhynie Chert - The oldest and most completely preserved terrestrial ecosystem. In: Dernbach, U. & Tidwell, D. W. (eds), Secrets of petrified plants, D'Oro-Verlag, Heppenheim, pp. 22-27.

Kerp, H. & Hass, H. 2004. De Onder-Devonische Rhynie Chert - het oudste en meest compleet bewaard gebleven terrestrische ecosysteeem. Grondboor & Hamer, 58: 33-50.

*Kerp, H., Hass, H. & Mosbrugger, V. 2001. New data on Nothia aphylla Lyon, 1964 ex El Saadawy et Lacey, 1979: a poorly known plant from the Lower Devonian Rhynie chert. In: Gensel, P. G. & Edwards, D. (eds), Plants invade the land: evolutionary and environmental perspectives. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 52-82.

*Kerp, H., Trewin, N. H. and Hass, H. 2004. Rhynie chert gametophytes. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 411-428.

*Kevan, P. G., Chaloner, W. G. & Savile, D. B. O. 1975. Interrelationships of early terrestrial arthropods and plants. Palaeontology, 18: 391-417.

Kidston, R. & Lang, W. H. 1917. On Old Red Sandstone plants showing structure, from the Rhynie chert bed, Aberdeenshire. Part I. Rhynia gwynne-vaughani Kidston & Lang. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 51(24): 761- 784.

Kidston, R. & Lang, W. H. 1920a. On Old Red Sandstone plants showing structure, from the Rhynie chert bed, Aberdeenshire. Part II. Additional notes on Rhynia gwynne-vaughani Kidston and Lang; with descriptions of Rhynia major, n.sp., and Hornia lignieri, n.g., n.sp. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 52(24): 603-627.

Kidston, R. & Lang, W. H. 1920b. On Old Red Sandstone plants showing structure, from the Rhynie chert bed, Aberdeenshire. Part III. Asteroxlon mackiei, Kidston and Lang. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 52(26): 643-680.

Kidston, R. & Lang, W. H. 1921a. On Old Red Sandstone plants showing structure, from the Rhynie chert bed, Aberdeenshire. Part IV. Restorations of the vascular cryptogams, and discussion of their bearing on the general morphology of the pteridophyta and the origin of the organisation of land-plants. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 52(32): 831-854.

Kidston, R. & Lang, W. H. 1921b. On Old Red Sandstone plants showing structure, from the Rhynie Cert bed, Aberdeenshire. Part V. The Thallophyta occurring in the peat-bed; the succession of the plants throughout a vertical section of the bed, and the conditions of accumulation and preservation of the deposit. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 52(33): 855-902.

Konhauser, K. O., Phoenix, V. R., Bottrell, S. H., Adams, D. G. & Head, I. M. 2001. Microbial-silica interactions in Icelandic hot spring sinter: possible analogues for some Precambrian siliceous stromatolites. Sedimentology, 48: 415-433.

Konrad, W., Roth-Nebelsick, A., Kerp, H. & Hass, H. 2000. Transpiration and assimilation of Early Devonian land plants with axially symmetric telomes - simulations on the tissue level. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 206: 91-107.

Kühne, W. G. & Schlüter, T. 1985. A fair deal for the Devonian arthropod fauna of Rhynie. Entomologia Generalis, 11: 91-96.

*Jones, T. P & Rowe, N. P. 1999. Fossil plants and spores - modern techniques. The Geological Society, London. 396 pp.

*Jones, B., Renault, R. & Rosen, M. R. 2004. Taxonomic fidelity of silicified filamentous microbes from hot spring systems in the Taupo Vocanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 94: 475-483.

*Labandiera, C. C. 2001. Rise and diversification of insects. In: Briggs, D. E. G. & Crowther, P. R. (eds), Palaeobiology II. Blackwell Scientific, London, pp. 82-88.

*Larson, S. G. 1978. Baltic Amber - A Palaeobiological Study. Entomonograph 1. Scandinavian Science Press, Klampenborg, Denmark.

Lemoigne, Y. 1968a. Observation d'archégones portés par des axes du type Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii Kidston et Lang. Existence de gamétophytes vascularisés au Dévonien. Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences, Paris (Sèries 9), 266: 1655-1657.

Lemoigne, Y. 1968b. Observation d'archégones portés par des axes vascularises du type Rhynia gwynnevaughanii Kidston et Lang; existence de gametophytes vascularises chez des Psilophytales du Dévonien. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéene de Lyon, 37: 148-149

Lemoigne, Y. 1969a. Contribution à la connaissance du gametophyte Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii Kidston et Lang: Problème des protuberances et processus de ramification. Bulletin Mensuel de la Société Linnéene de Lyon, 38(4): 94-102.

Lemoigne, Y. 1969b. Nouvelles observations relatives aus Psilophytales d'Ecosse. Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences, Paris, 268: 1262-1265.

Lemoigne, Y. 1969c. Morphologie Végétale - Organe assimilable à une anthéridie et stomates épidermiques, portés par des axes rampants du type Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii Kidston et Lang. Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences, Paris, 269: 1393-1395.

Lemoigne, Y. 1971. Nouvelles diagnoses du genre Rhynia et de l'espèce Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii. Bulletin Sociètè Botanique de France, 117: 307-320.

Lemoigne, Y. 1975. The present status of Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii (K. and L.) Y.L. The Palaeobotanist, 22: 39-46.

Lemoigne, Y. 1981. Confirmation de l'existence de gamétophytes vascularisés dans le Dévonien de Rhynie (Écosse) et considérations sur leur nature. Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences, Paris (Sèries 3), 292: 267-270.

Lemoigne, Y. & Zdebska, D. 1980. Structures problematiques observées dans des axes provenant du chert dévonien de Rhynie. Acta Palaeobotanica, 21: 3-8.

Leo, R. F. & Barghoorn, E. S. 1976. Silicification of wood. Harvard University Botanical Museum Leaflets, 25: 1-47.

*Lewis, J. G. E. 1981. The biology of centipedes. Cambridge University Press, New York.

Lyon, A. G. 1957. Germinating spores in the Rhynie chert. Nature, 180: 1219.

Lyon, A. G. 1962. On the fragmentary remains of an organism referable to the nematophytales, from the Rhynie chert, "Nematoplexus rhyniensis" gen. et. sp. nov. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 65(4): 79-87.

Lyon, A. G. 1964. Probable fertile region of Asteroxylon mackiei K. and L. Nature, 203: 1082-1083.

Lyon, A. G. & Edwards, D. 1991. The first zosterophyll from the Lower Devonian Rhynie chert, Aberdeenshire. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 82: 323-332.

Mackie, W. 1913. The Rock series of Craigbeg and Ord Hill, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 10: 205-236.

Martín-Closas, C. & Diéguez, C. 1998. Charophytes from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian ranges (Spain). Palaeontology, 41: 1133-1152.

Matthew, G. F. 1894. On the organic remains of the Little River Group, No. III. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 1894, 101-110.

*McLaughlin, P. A. 1980. Comparative morphology of Recent Crustacea. W.H. Freedman Company, San Fransisco.

McNamara, K. J. & Trewin, N. H. 1993. A euthycarcinoid arthropod from the Silurian of Western Australia. Palaeontology, 36: 319-335.

Merker, H. 1958. Zum fehlenden Gliede der Rhynienflora. Botaniska Notiser, 111: 608-618.

Merker, H. 1959. Analyse der Rhynien-Basis und Nachweis des Gametophyten. Botaniska Notiser, 112: 608-618.

*Mundel, P. 1979. The Centipedes (Chilopoda) of the Mazon Creek. 361-378. In: Nitecki, M. (ed.). Mazon Creek Fossils. New York: Academic Press.

Newlands, M. A. 1913. Note on a fossil plant from the Old Red Sandstone, Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society, 10 (Session 78, 1911-12): 237.

Nicholson, K. 1989. Early Devonian geothermal system in Northeast Scotland; exploration targets for epithermal gold. Geology, 17: 568-571.

Norton, R. A., Bonamo, P. M., Grierson, J. D. and Shear, W. A. 1988. Oribatid mite fossils from a terrestrial Devonian deposit near Gilboa, New York. Journal of Paleontology, 62: 259-269.

Pant, D. D. 1962. The gametophyte of the Psilophytales. Proceedings of the Summer School of Botany (Darjeeling), 1962: 276-301.

Powell, C. L., Edwards, D. & Trewin, N. H. 2000a. A new vascular plant from the Lower Devonian Windyfield chert, Rhynie, NE Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 90: 331-349.

*Powell, C. L., Trewin, N. H. & Edwards, D. 2000b. Palaeoecology and plant succession in a borehole through the Rhynie cherts, Lower Old Red Sandstone, Scotland. In: Friend, P. F. & Williams, B. P. J. (eds), New perspectives on the Old Red Sandstone. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 180: 439-457.

*Rasnitsyn, A. P. and Quicke, D. L. J. 2002. The history of insects. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 517 pp.

Read, H. H. 1923. The geology of the country around Banff, Huntly and Turiff (Sheets 86 and 96). Memoir of the Geological Survey.

Remy, W. 1978. Der Dehiszenzmechanismus der Sporangien von Rhynia. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 5: 23-30.

Remy, W. 1980. Der Generationswechsel der archegoniaten Pflanzen im bergangsfeld von aquatischer zu terrestrischer Lebensweise. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 6: 139-155.

Remy, W. 1982a. Die Vorfahren der Landpflanzen - Gametophyten vor 380 Millionen Jahren. DFG Forschung, 2: 12-13.

Remy, W. 1982b. Lower Devonian gametophytes: Relation to the phylogeny of land plants. Science, 215: 1625- 1627.

Remy, W. 1986. Neue Aspekte zu alten Problemen in der Paläobotanik. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 7: 1-8.

Remy, W. & Hass, H. 1986. Das Ur-Pflanzen-Konzept unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Organisation Altdevonischer Gametophyten. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 7: 173-214.

Remy, W. & Hass, H. 1991a. Ergänzende Beobachtungen an Lyonophyton rhyniensis. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 1-27.

Remy, W. & Hass, H. 1991b. Kidstonophyton discoides nov. gen. nov. spec., ein Gametophyt aus dem Chert von Rhynie (Unterdevon, Schottland). Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 29-45.

Remy, W. & Hass, H. 1991c. Langiophyton mackiei nov. gen., nov. spec., ein Gametophyt mit Archegoniophoren aus dem Chert von Rhynie (Unterdevon Schottland). Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 69-117.

Remy, W. & Hass, H. 1991d. Gametophyten und Sporophyten im Unterdevon - Fakten und Spekulationen. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 193-223.

Remy, W. & Hass, H. 1996. New information on gametophytes and sporophytes of Aglaophyton major and inferences about possible environmental adaptations. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 90: 175-193.

Remy, W. & Remy, R. 1980a. Devonian gametophytes with anatomically preserved gametangia. Science, 208: 295-296.

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