- Current PG students
Jaliya De Silva Dark tourism in Sri Lanka as a new phenomenon Dr P. Niewiadomski & Dr P. Duffy Stephanie Webb Cultural landscape values and aesthetics of beaver-modified landscapes. A cross-cultural comparison Dr F. Wartmann, Prof D. Anderson (Anthropology) & Dr A. Law (Stirling) Tryggi Unnsteinsson Ice on Fire: exploring the relationship between glaciers and volcanoes (CASE) Prof M. Spagnolo, Prof B. Rea & Dr D. Mullan (Queen's University, Belfast) Jacob Seston A sustainable future for Arctic marine shipping using artificial intelligence Dr W. Harcourt, Prof M. Spagnolo, Prof B. Rea & Dr G. Leontidis (Computar Sciene) Ioanna Samakovlis The future of irrigated agriculture in Europe's mountainous regions; exploring trade-offs and synergies for climate adaptation Dr D. Haro, Dr J. Geris & Dr M. Bozzola (Queen's University, Belfast) Morrigan Jones Comparative glaciology: reconstructing glaciers on Earth and Mars to understand landscape evolution with respect to climate change Dr L. Sam, Dr A. Bhardwaj, Prof B. Rea & Dr D. Mullan (Queen's University, Belfast) Brady Johnson The role of groundwater in adapting to climate change and increasing resilience to drought in Eastern Scotland Dr J.C. Comte & Prof C. Soulsby Nsongurua Inyang Farmers' Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Sustainable Food Systems in Scotland Dr K. Prager, Dr H. Hashem & Prof T. Potts Alfred Awuah Hydrogeophysical characterisation of groundwater flow, solute and energy transport in complex aquifer systems Dr J.C. Comte & Dr D. Healy Antonia Foley Water resources in agricultural settings: unravelling patterns in water storage, flows and water quality Dr J. Geris & Prof C Soulsby Tracy Asamoah-Boateng Exploring the impacts of pro-poor Solar Home System (SHS) on adopters in the off-grid rural communities of Ghana Dr T. Potts & Dr M. Bitzios Lucy Ahspitel Glaciers and Water Resources in Peru Prof M. Spagnolo & Prof B. Rea Emma Cary Understanding stakeholder decision-making for rewilding and restoration initiatives in the UK Dr F. Wartmann, Prof. Xavier Lambin (School of Biological Sciences), Dr P. Caplat (Queen's University, Belfast) Daniel Coathup Quantifying Carbon Accumulation and Loss in Russian Arctic Peatlands Dr D. Mauquoy, Dr M. Blaauw (Queens University, Belfast) & Dr D. Muirhead
Marcus Craigie Growing Scotland's Islands: Can the National Islands Plan stimulate a population turnaround? Dr L. Philip & Dr P. Duffy Rosalind Corbett The role of community land ownership in increasing access to land for new entrants to agriculture in Scotland. Dr K. Prager, Dr Annie McKee (James Hutton Institute), Dr Lee-Ann Sutherland (James Hutton Institute) & Dr L. Philip Optimising water use and soil carbon sequestration - can agricultural co-cropping systems provide multiple benefits to address climate change? Dr. J. Geris, Dr. Cathy Hawes (James Hutton Institute), Prof J. Smith & Dr Tracy Valentine (James Hutton Institute) Aya El Samad Understanding social values on low carbon subsurface technologies Dr T. Potts, Dr C. Bond, dr W Flannery (QUB) Kirsten Gow Island Migration and the National Islands Plan Dr L. Philip & Dr P. Duffy Baoling Gui Developing a dynamic cellular automata model for simulating planned urban growth
Dr A. Bhardwaj, Dr L. Sam Mhairi Hallford Mapping and measuring glacier mass balance: developing a best practice approach for understanding glacier chang Dr B. Rea, Dr M. Spagnolo. Dr L. Sam, Dr D. Mullan (QUB) Hamish Johnson Groundwater and nutrient dynamics in heterogeneous agricultural catchment Dr J.C. Comte, Dr U. Ofterdinger (Queen's University Belfast) & Dr R. Cassidy (AFBI) Alexios Kaselouris Active travel and physical activity behaviours: developing a better understanding through research evidence and technological applications
Dr M. Beecroft & Dr L. Philip Eva Loerke UAV thermal remote sensing for assessing river temperature Dr J. Geris & Dr P. Miller (James Hutton Institute) Pinar Majidova Sustainability and energy transitions in the post-communist context of Azerbaijan: a focus on urban environments Dr P. Niewiadomski & Dr J. Pierce Nicola Claire Malam Small Island Tourism and Green Economy Transitions Dr P. Niewiadomski & Dr T. Potts Oluwaseun Olabode Potential of managed aquifer recharge in two contrasted African hydrogeological settings under climatic and demographic pressures Dr J.C. Comte & Prof D. Pokrajac (School of Engineering) Martyn Roberts The role of place and scale on effectiveness of temporary storage areas for surface runoff attenuation Dr J. Geris, Dr P. Hallett & Dr M. Wilkinson (James Hutton Institute)
Small island tourism and green economy transitions Dr P. Niewiadomski & Dr T. Potts
- Recently Completed PG Students
Research Topic Supervisors Eva Loerke UAV thermal remote sensing for assessing river temperature Dr J. Geris & Dr P. Miller (James Hutton Institute) Annabel Everard The palaeoenvironmental history of ancient deciduous woodlands in Scotland and Ireland, with particular emphasis on the sub-canopy layers Dr J. Schofield, Dr T. Mighall & Dr G. Plunkett (Queen's University Belfast) David Flood Chavez Green economy transitions in tourism in the Margaret River region (WA, Australia) Dr P. Niewiadomski & Dr T. Jones (Curtin University) Joel Blackburn Understanding stream-aquifer interactions and their influence on flow regimes and fluvial processes in a newly restored ephemeral stream Dr J.C. Comte, Prof C. Gibbins (Nottingham) & Prof D. Pokrajac (Engineering) Camilo Torres Barragan Developing a better understanding of active travel behaviours and interactions with the built environment Dr M. Beecroft & Dr L. Philip Rayan Almaghrbi Urban Perspectives of Smart Cities: Case Study of New Cities in Saudi Arabia Dr L. Philip & Dr C. Hambly Sebastian Barothy (PhD, 2022) The impact of low-cost carriers on economic development in Central and Eastern Europe Dr. P. Niewiadomski, Dr. M. Beecroft (Engineering) Jamie Lee Stevenson (PhD, 2022) Isotopes in Urban Ecohydrology Prof. C. Soulsby, Dr. J.C. Comte Jesus Mezquita (PhD, 2022) Hydrogeophysical approaches for characterising fluid flow and storage in weathered/fractured reservoirs Dr J.C. Comte, Dr D. Healy (Geology), Dr U. Ofterdinger (Univ Belfast) & Dr A. Legchenko (IRD/ Univ Grenoble) David Ania Ayiine Etigo (PhD, 2022) Exploring Technological Innovation Systems: Case Studies on Renewable Energy development and Tourism Innovation in Ghana
Dr T. Potts & Dr P. Niewiadomski Jessica Fennel (PhD, 2022) Evaluating nature based strategies in rural landscapes for managing low flows and stream temperatures Dr J. Geris, Dr M. Wilkinson (James Hutton Institute), Professor C. Soulsby * and Dr R. Daalmans (Chivas Brothers) Rachel Oien (PhD, 2021) Climate at the onset of the Antarctic ice-sheet growth: a detailed analysis of ice-buried glacial cirques Prof M. Spagnolo, Dr l. Barr (Machester Metropolitan), Dr R. Bingham (University of Edinburgh) & Prof B. Rea Giles Richard O'Donovan (PhD, 2020) Re-thinking food security and food governance Dr D. Watts, Prof D. Roberts (James Hutton Institute and Aberdeen) Samson Oiro (PhD, 2019) Climatic and human impacts on groundwater resources in East Africa Dr JC Comte and Prof C Soulsby Willem Buddendorf (PhD, 2019) Multiscale modelling to assess the impacts of flow regulation of Atlantic salmon Salmo Salas L.habitat in Scottish rivers Prof C Soulsby & Dr J Geris Andrew MacLaren (PhD, 2019) What's rural about rural ageing? A non-representational approach Dr L Philip & Dr M Currie (James Hutton Institute) Bernard Scheliga (PhD, 2018) Spatial and temporal dynamics of groundwater-surface water interactions in montane headwater catchment Prof D Tetzlaff & Prof C Soulsby Luca Fabris (PhD, 2018) Influence of Climate Change on Salmon Habitats Prof C Soulsby & Prof D Tetzlaff
Christina Noble (PhD, 2018) "Invisible" return migration and belonging in Ireland Dr L Philip, Prof J Farrington & Dr S Shubin (Univ Swansea)
Megan Palmer-Abbs (PhD, 2018) Impacts of Next Generation Broadband (NGB) on Small/Medium size Enterprises (SME's) in the North of Scotland Dr L Philip, J Seaton (BT), H Lacohee (BT), Prof D Roberts (James Hutton Institute and Aberdeen), Prof J Farrington Baptiste Marteau (PhD, 2018) Hydromorphological and ecological response of a freshwater pearl mussel river to the reconnection of a tributary in north western England (Lake District National Park) Dr C Gibbins, Dr R Batalla (University of Lleida) & Dr D Vericat (University of Lleida) Maria Blumstock (PhD, 2016) Connectivity and storage in upland catchments Prof D Tetzlaff, Prof C Soulsby & Prof G Nützmann (IGB Berlin) Claire Tunaley (PhD, 2016) High frequency processes in upland catchments Prof D Tetzlaff & Prof C Soulsby Gillian Dowds (PhD, 2016)
Portals to the outside world: a study of personal and social interaction in older adults living with chronic pain in rural areas
Dr L Philip, Prof J Farrington, Dr J Masthoff (Computing Science, Aberdeen), Dr M Currie (UHI)
Alison Pridmore (PhD, 2016)
Can a sustainability framework for the transport sector be developed and applied in policy making?
Prof J Anable & Dr A Miola (European Commission)
Milan Markovic (PhD, 2016)
Linked open data and the crowd
Prof P Edwards (Computing Science, Aberdeen), Prof J Nelson & Dr J Pan (Computing Science, Aberdeen)
Fiona Ashmore
(PhD, 2015)
Impact of inclusion of high-speed broadband and associated digital services on rural community resilience
Dr L Philip, Prof J Farrington, Prof P Edwards (Computing Science) & Dr S Skerratt (Scottish Agricultural College)
Konstantinos Papangelis
(PhD, 2015)
Designing a tailored, multi-modal passenger information system for sustainable transport behaviour Dr Y Sripada (Computing Science), Prof J Nelson & Prof P Edwards (Computing Science) Diana McNamara
(PhD, 2015)
Matters in mind: exploring environmental attitudes and behaviour Prof J Anable & Dr L Miles (Psychology) David Ashmore
(PhD, 2014)
Water flow beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet Dr R Bingham & Dr R Hindmarsh (British Antarctic Survey) Chinotu George
(PhD, 2014)
Plan geometries of recent deltaic sand bodies in the Niger delta Prof D Macdonald (Geology, Aberdeen) & Dr M Spagnolo Jonathan Dick
(PhD, 2014)
Heterogeneity in hydrology and biogeochemistry of riparian zones
Prof D Tetzlaff & Prof C Soulsby
Robert Craig
(PhD, 2014)
Accessibility and the Capabilities Approach: Towards an Aid to Decision Taking
Prof J Nelson, Prof C Wallace (Sociology, Aberdeen) & Prof T Norman (Computing Science, Aberdeen)
Ilse Kamerling
(PhD, 2014)
Palynological investigations of Norse-indigenous interactions in northern Sweden
Prof K Edwards & Dr E Schofield
James Lea
(PhD, 2014)Modelling Greenlandic tidewater glacier fluctuations over millenial timescales
Dr D Mair, Dr B Rea, Dr E Schofield & Prof P Nienow (Univ Edinburgh)
John Goodlad
(PhD, 2014)The Shetland smacks: a historical geography of the Shetland cod fishery
Dr L Philip & Dr J Coull
Emma Quinlan
(PhD, 2014)Assessing the morphological adjustment and ecological response of the River Ehen to the re-alignment of Ben Gill, West Cumbria
Dr C Gibbins & Prof C Soulsby Anke Kuttner
(PhD, 2014)Terrestrial responses to oceanic climate forcing on the western seaboard of the North Atlantic Dr D Mauquoy, Dr T Mighall & D E Krupp (Chemistry, Aberdeen) Craig Morton
(PhD, 2013)Accelerating the demand for low carbon vehicles: a demand-led perspective Dr J Anable & Prof J Nelson Dereje Wakjira
(PhD, 2013)The evolving interaction between environment and human settlers in Bale, Ethiopia: historical land management institutions and traditional ecological knowledge Dr M Pinard (Plant & Soil Science, Aberdeen), Dr L Philip & Dr A. Fisher (James Hutton Institute) Cristina Buendía Forés
(PhD, 2013)Interaction between fluvial geomorphology and freshwater ecosystems Dr C Gibbins, Dr R Batalla (Univ Lleida) & Dr D Vericat (Forest Tech Centre of Catalonia) Richard Morris
(PhD, 2013)Refreezing and runoff at the surface of the Greenland Ice Sheet Dr D Mair & Prof P Nienow (Univ Edinburgh) Paul Ledger
(PhD, 2013)Norse landnám and its impact on the vegetation of Vatnahverfi, Eastern Settlement, Greenland Prof K Edwards & Dr E Schofield Scott McGrane
(PhD, 2013)Effects of climate change on hydrological functioning of upland catchments Prof D Tetzlaff, Prof C Soulsby & Dr R Essery (Univ Edinburgh) Diana Feliciano
(PhD, 2012)The Carbon Footprint and sustainable land use change Prof C Hunter, Prof P Smith (Biological Sciences, Aberdeen) & Dr R Slee (James Hutton Institute) Laura MacRitchie
(PhD, 2012)Campylobacteriosis: elucidating the disease burden, risk perception and costs to rural communities and their families Prof C Hunter, Dr N Strachan (Physics, Aberdeen) & Dr J Roberts (London Sch Hygiene Trop Med) Angela Curl
(PhD, 2012)Comparing the lived experience to objective measures of accessibility Dr J Anable & Prof J Nelson
Rene Capell
(PhD, 2012)Sustaining river flow under climate change - influence of landscape evolution on groundwater resources Prof D Tetzlaff, Prof C Soulsby & Prof A Hartley (Geology, Aberdeen)
Caroline Clason
(PhD, 2012)Quantitative controls on the routing of supraglacial meltwater to the bed of glaciers and ice sheets Dr D Mair & Prof P Nienow (Univ Edinburgh) Emily Lambert
(PhD, 2012)Climate change and marine wildlife tourism Prof C Hunter & Prof G Pierce (Biological Sciences, Aberdeen) Taotao Deng
(PhD, 2011)Transit-oriented development: challenges and potential to build a sustainable urban transportation in Beijing, P.R. China Prof J Nelson, Prof W Neill & Dr S Bagaeen (Univ Brighton) Sharon Flanigan (nee Phillip)
(PhD, 2011)A conceptual framework of sustainable agri-tourism in Scotland Prof C Hunter & Dr K Blackstock (James Hutton Institute) Christian Imholt
(PhD, 2011)Impacts of climate change on river ecosystems and opportunities for local migration Dr C Gibbins & Prof C Soulsby Heather Smith
(PhD, 2011)Water Framework Directive and land use planning Ms G Wall & Dr K Blackstock (James Hutton Institute) Mark Speed
(PhD, 2011)A two year survey of the isotope hydrology and geochemistry of the River Dee Prof C Soulsby, Prof D Tetzlaff & Dr I Malcolm (Fisheries Research Services) Stephen Addy
(PhD, 2010)River basins in mountain settings Prof C Soulsby & Prof A Hartley (Geology, Aberdeen) Christian Birkel
(PhD, 2010)Enhancing methodologies for capturing hydrological data in a changing environment Prof D Tetzlaff, Prof C Soulsby & Dr S Dunn (James Hutton Institute) Caro Anne Cooke
(MSc, 2010)The influence of hyporheic dynamics in embryo survival in an agricultural stream Prof C Soulsby & Dr I Malcolm (Fisheries Research Services) Susan Heard
(MSc, 2010)Perceptions, attitudes and responses to volcanic hazards with special reference to Mount Tunguruhua, Ecuador Dr T Mighall & Dr A Gemmell Kate Pangbourne
(PhD, 2010)The transition to regional delivery of transport investment in Scotland Dr L Philip & Dr D Mackinnon (Univ Glasgow) Thanawat Phonphitakchai (PhD, 2010) Transport services and modal choice: a Structural Equation Modelling approach Prof J Nelson Louise Reid
(PhD, 2010)Environmental attitudes and behavioural change: a role for household environmental impact diaries Prof C Hunter Fiona Williams
(PhD, 2010)The future of farming? Factors influencing the decisions of the next generation Prof J Farrington Christina Bell
(PhD, 2009)Spatial and temporal variations in the snowpack of a High Arctic ice cap Dr D Mair & Prof P Nienow (Univ Edinburgh) Margaret Currie
(PhD, 2009)An evaluation of supported bus and community transport services in rural Scotland Prof J Farrington Jane Grant
(PhD, 2009)The significance of groundwater-surface water interactions on hyporheic physio-chemistry and stream ecology in two Scottish mountain rivers Dr C Gibbins & Prof C Soulsby Helen Edmond
(PhD, 2009)The small hotel sector in rural Scotland and local development Dr D Mackinnon Gillian McCrum
(PhD, 2009)Sustainable tourism Prof C Hunter Marsaili MacLeod
(PhD, 2009)Gaelic language and economic development in the Highlands and Islands Dr L Philip & Dr A Stockdale (Queens Univ Belfast) Clare Waterhouse
(PhD, 2009)Early Holocene environmental change and human impact on the Isle of Skye and Inner Sound, Scotland Prof K Edwards Iain Wright
(MSc, 2009)Defining and representing gradients meaningfully for vulnerable road users D Green & M Wood