GIS Video Tutorials

In this section
GIS Video Tutorials

to how ArcGIS can be used to study and visualise the potential impacts of climate change, and how to present the results of geographic analysis using maps. The first three tutorials (divided into three videos each) cover three subjects related to climate change; estimation of the population of areas at risk from flooding, identification of areas with particular altitudes within a Digital Elevation Model, and analysis of areas likely to be flooded given a particular amount of static sea level rise. A final tutorial, again divided into three videos, demonstrates the creation of a map to present the results of processing from one of the tutorials.

Video Tutorial 1

Evaluation of population vulnerable to flooding

  1. Navigating ArcGIS
  2. Opening and displaying map layers
  3. Analysis of map layers

Video Tutorial 2

Finding the highest and lowest elevations
in an area

  1. Navigating ArcGIS
  2. Opening and displaying map layers
  3. Analysis of map layers

Video Tutorial 3

Sea Level Rise

  1. Navigating ArcGIS
  2. Opening and displaying map layers
  3. Analysis of map layers

Video Tutorial 4

Creating a presentation map

  1. Adding datasets and setting properties
  2. Adding a title and explanatory text
  3. Adding final map elements and arranging the layout


A Web-GIS is currently being developed as part of a coastal atlas for North East Scotland.