Vladimir Nikora , Stuart Cameron , Mark Stewart , Dominic van der A
Recent External Projects:
2023-2027 | The interaction of waves with seaweed farms: wave attenuation and intra-farm hydrodynamics, NERC funded SUPER-DTP PhD studentship (D. van der A, T. O'Donoghue), with external collaborators Adam Hughers (SAMS), Sinead Sheridan (NatureScot), Rory O'Hara Murray (Marine Directorate) |
2020-2023 | RIver flow regulation, fish BEhaviour and Status (RIBES), EC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 (V. Nikora, S. Cameron, B. Scott, S. Martin, €305K), a part of a collaborative international research program led by the Politecnico Di Torino. |
2019-2020 | Field stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (FSPIV) system for high-resolution in-situ studies of freshwater and marine ecosystems, NERC, UK (S. Cameron, V. Nikora, B. Scott, C. Soulsby, £289K). |
2019-2020 | High-resolution force measurement for wave-vegetation interaction research, Royal Society Research Grant, UK (van der A, D., £19.9k). |
2018-2019 | Sediment transport in vegetated canopies under full-scale wave conditions, Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant, UK (van der A, D., £7.1k) |
2013-2016 | Hydrodynamic transport in ecologically critical heterogeneous interfaces (HYTECH), EC, Marie Curie Initial Training Networks FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN (V. Nikora, S. Cameron, C. Gibbins, €597K), a part of a collaborative international research program led by the University of Padova. |
2008-2011 | Biophysics of flow-plants interactions in aquatic systems, The Leverhulme Trust, UK (V. Nikora, M. O'Hare, S. Cameron, £216.4K). |
Recent PhD Projects:
2020 - present | Miriam Castagna | Hydrodynamics of swimming fish: Drag, propulsion, and fish bioenergetics |
2017 - present | Muhammad Yunan Fahmi | Cross-shore wave hydrondynamics on a vegetated slope |
2017 | Dr Mario Savio | Turbulent structure and transport processes in open-channel flows with patchy-vegetated beds |
2017 | Dr Hamish Biggs | Flow-vegetation interactions: from the plant to the patch mosaic scale |
2017 | Dr Shaun Fraser | Acoustic investigation of the hydrodynamics and ecology of a tidal channel and the impacts of a marine renewable energy installation |
2016 | Dr Davide Vettori | Hydrodynamic performance of seaweed farms: an experimental study at seaweed blade scale |
2012 | Dr Fabio Siniscalchi | Hydrodynamics of flow-vegetation interactions at the scales of individual plant and plant patch |
Selected papers
- Neshamar, O., Jacobsen, N.G, van der A, D.A., O'Donoghue, T. (in press). Linear and nonlinear frequency-domain modelling of oscillatory flow over submerged canopies, Journal of Hydaulic Research.
- Vettori, D., & Nikora, V. (2019). Flow-seaweed interactions of Saccharina latissima at a blade scale: turbulence, drag force, and blade dynamics. Aquatic Sciences, 81(4), 1-16.
- Jacobsen, N.G., McFall, B., van der A, D.A. (2019). A frequency distributed dissipation model for canopies. Coastal Engineering, 150, 135-146.
- Vettori, D., & Nikora, V. (2018). Flow-seaweed interactions: a laboratory study using blade models. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 18(3), 611-636.
- Fraser, S., Nikora, V., Williamson, B. J., & Scott, B. E. (2017). Hydrodynamic impacts of a marine renewable energy installation on the benthic boundary layer in a tidal channel. Energy Procedia, 125, 250-259.
- Fraser, S., Williamson, B., Scott, B. E., & Nikora, V. (2016). Active acoustic monitoring in extreme turbulence around marine renewable energy devices. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 139(4), 2174-2174.
- Miler, O., Albayrak, I., Nikora, V., & O'Hare, M. (2014). Biomechanical properties and morphological characteristics of lake and river plants: implications for adaptations to flow conditions. Aquatic sciences, 76(4), 465-481.
- Cameron, S. M., Nikora, V. I., Albayrak, I., Miler, O., Stewart, M., & Siniscalchi, F. (2013). Interactions between aquatic plants and turbulent flow: a field study using stereoscopic PIV. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 732, 345-372.
- Nikora, N., Nikora, V., O'Donoghue, T. (2013). Velocity profiles in vegetated open-channel flows: combined effects of multiple mechanisms, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139(10), 1021-1032.
- Siniscalchi, F., & Nikora, V. (2013). Dynamic reconfiguration of aquatic plants and its interrelations with upstream turbulence and drag forces. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 51(1), 46-55.