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BeWEL - Behaviour for Well-being, Environment & Life (BeWEL)

Research Network awarded under the cross-Research Council programme on Understanding Individual Behaviour (Exploratory Networks), Economic & Social Research Council/Medical Research Council/Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council. (Principle investigor: Colin Hunter, with J. Anable, T. Craig, P. Edwards, A. Fischer, A. Murray, L. Phillips, C. Prell, S. Redpath, M. Reed, L. Steg, P. Stollery, S. Thirgood, M. van Vugt, and R. van der Wal).

The network involves 15 staff from 6 institutions (UoA, MI, Gröningen, Kent, Leeds, Sheffield) combining a diverse range of disciplines: geography, sociology, ecology, conservation biology, psychology, computing science, music, and clinical radiology. The overall aim of the network is to use an interdisciplinary approach to deepen our understanding of key drivers of, and barriers to, pro-environment behavioural change ('sustainable behaviours'), particularly potential biological and psychological influences. The network use pilot projects, workshops and the production of widely scoped summaries of current knowledge to disseminate results.