
In this section

Journal Papers

  1. M S Imbabi, C Carrigan and S McKenna. Trends and developments in green cement and concrete technology, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (DOI 10.1016/j.ijsbe.2013.05.001), 2013
  2. M S Imbabi. Passive-active dynamic insulation systems for all climates, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (DOI 10.1016/j.ijsbe.2013.03.002), 2013
  3. E Elsarrag, Y Alhorr and M S Imbabi. Improving Building Fabric Energy Efficiency in Hot-Humid Climates using Dynamic Insulation', Building Simulation: An International Journal, 5 (2), p127-134, 2012
  4. M Balonis and F P Glasser. Calcium nitrite corrosion inhibitor: influence of chloride and nitrite binding on the mineralogy of Portland cement. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 86, p1-12, 2011
  5. D Damidot, B Lothenbach, D Herfort, F P Glasser, Thermodynamics and cement science. Cement and Concrete Research, 41 (7), p679-695, 2011
  6. E M Gartner and D E Macphee. A physico-chemical basis for novel cementitious binders. Cement and Concrete Research, 41(7), p736-749, 2011
  7. E J Bain, J Calo, R Spitz-Steinberg, J Kirchner and J Axen. Electrosorption / electro- desorption of arsenic on a granular activated carbon in the presence of other heavy metals. Energy and Fuels 24 (6), p3415-3421, 2010
  8. M R Jones, M J McCarthy, M D Newlands. Green concrete: embracing change. Concrete, 44(6), p50-52, 2010
  9. M R Jones, T Ansell, D Aldridge. Foamed concrete for sustainable construction. Concrete, 43(5), p16-18, 2009
  10. T A Harrison. Revision of the European concrete standard. Concrete, 43(2) p20-22, 2009
  11. W J MaCarter, G Starrs, S Kandasami, M R Jones and M Chrisp. Electrode configurations for resistivity measurements in concrete. ACI Materials Journal, 105(3), p258-264, 2009
  12. M J McCarthy, M R Jones, L J Csetenyi and J E Halliday. Recycled aggregates: alkali release and reactivity. Concrete, 43(7), p32-34, 2009
  13. R K Dhir, T A Harrison, L Zheng, S Kandrasami. Concrete durability: achievement and enhancement. BRE Press, p970, 2008
  14. F P Glasser, B Lothenbach, T Matschei, G Monschner. Thermodynamic modelling of the effect of temperature on the hydration and porosity of Portland cement. Cement and Concrete Research, 38, p1-18, 2008
  15. P J Hall and E J Bain. Energy-storage technologies and electricity generation. Energy Policy, 36(12), p4352-4355, 2008
  16. J M Wong, F P Glasser and M S Imbabi. Evaluation of thermal conductivity in air permeable concrete for dynamic breathing wall construction, Cement & Concrete Composites 29, p647-655, 2007
  17. C D Johnson, J Feldmann, D E Macphee. The use of 'exotic' framework structures in waste management. Waste Management, 27(3), p375-379, 2007
  18. T Matschei, B Lothenbach and F P Glasser. The role of calcium carbonate in cement hydration. Cement and Concrete Research, 37(4), p551-558, 2007
  19. M S Imbabi. Modular breathing panels for energy efficient, healthy building construction, Renewable Energy, 31(5), p729-738, 2006
  20. M R Jones and A McCarthy. Heat of hydration in foamed concrete: Effect of mix constituents and plastic density. Cement and Concrete Research, 36(6), p1032-1041, 2006
  21. T Matschei and F P Glasser. The influence of limestone additions to portland cement. Zement Kalk Gyps International, 59, p78-86, 2006
  22. D R M Brew and F P Glasser. Synthesis and characterisation of magnesium silicate hydrate gels. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(1) p85-98, 2005
  23. M S Imbabi and A D Peacock. Allowing buildings to breathe, Sovereign Publications, p85-95, 2004
  24. A M Fernandez Jiminez, E E Lachowski, A Palomo, D E Macphee. Microstructural characterisation of alkali-activated PFA matrices for waste immobilisation. Cement and Concrete Composites, 26(8), p1001-1006, 2004
  25. D E Macphee and S J Barnett. Solution properties of solids in the ettringite— thaumasite solid solution series, Cement and Concrete Research, 34(9), p1591-1598, 2004
  26. C Dow and F P Glasser. Calcium carbonate efflorescence on Portland cement and building materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 33(1), p147-154, 2003
  27. T A Harrison. Methods of specifying. Concrete, 37(6) p43-44, 2003
  28. T A Harrison. Exposure classes. Concrete, 37(4) p60-61, 2003
  29. T A Harrison. 4 - Concrete properties: Setting and hardening. Advanced Concrete Technology, 1, p1-33, 2003
  30. M R Jones, D E Macphee, J A Chudek, G Hunter, R Lannegrand, R Talero and S N Scrimgeour. Studies using 27Al MAS NMR of AFm and AFt phases and the formation of Friedel's salt. Cement and Concrete Research, 33(2), p177-182, 2003
  31. D E Macphee and S Diamond. Thaumasite in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Composites, 25(8), p805-807, 2003
  32. L Zhang and F P Glasser. Hydration of calcium sulfoaluminate cement at less than 24 hours. Advances in Cement Research, 14, p113-119, 2002
  33. H C Tan, O O R Famiyesin and M S Imbabi. Dynamic deformation signatures in reinforced concrete slabs for condition monitoring, Computers & Structures, 79, p2413-2423, 2001
  34. Q Zhou and F P Glasser. Thermal stability and decomposition mechanisms of ettringite at <120°C. Cement and Concrete Research, 31(9) p1333-1339, 2001
  35. Z Q Qian, A R Akisanya and M S Imbabi. Edge effects in the failure of elastic/viscoelastic joints subjected to surface tractions, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, 37, p5973-5994, 2000
  36. Z Q Qian, A R Akisanya and M S Imbabi. Effects of geometry on the deformation of asphaltic plug joints subjected to surface tractions, Proc. IMechE, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 35(5), p403-413, 2000
  37. B J Taylor and M S Imbabi. Environmental design using dynamic insulation, ASHRAE Transactions, 106(1), p15-28, 2000
  38. B J Taylor and M S Imbabi. Dynamic insulation in multi-storey buildings, Proc. CIBSE A, Building Services Engineering Research & Technology (BSERT), 20(4), p175-180, 2000

Conference Papers

  1. M S Imbabi. Advances in green cement and concrete technology, The Use of Recycled Materials in Construction, CiC Start Conference, 6th February 2013
  2. M S Imbabi. Crunching the costs: payback on green investment, Housing, Carbon Reduction and Climate Change: the Cost, Sustainability and Supply Challenge, Homes for Scotland 1st Annual Conference, 31st October 2012
  3. M S Imbabi. Passive dynamic insulation systems for cold climates, Proceedings of PassivHus Norden 2012, Akademika forlag 9788232, 21-23 October 2012
  4. M S Imbabi. Green Data Centres, Green Computing and Communications 'Go Green' Workshop, 24th May 2012
  5. E Elsarrag, Y Alhorr and M S Imbabi. The Eco-Villa: Research and demonstration project on the use of adaptive insulation in the Gulf Region, Green Building Solutions Conference, Doha (Qatar), 2 - 4 March 2011
  6. E Elsarrag and Y Alhorr. Using micro cogeneration technologies to enhance the sustainable built environment. Planet Earth 2011 - Global Warming Challenges and Opportunities for Policy and Practice, 447-466, INTEC, 2011
  7. E Elsarrag and Y Alhorr. Emerging Green Building requirement and its development in the Middle East. Malaysian Timber Conference, Kuala Lumpur, October 2011
  8. E Elsarrag, Y Alhorr. Overview of QSAS and energy conservation. ASHRAE CRC, Abu Dhabi, September 2011
  9. M S Imbabi. Dynamic insulation for energy efficient low carbon building envelopes, Keynote speaker, Association of Environment Conscious Builders (AECB) 21st Anniversary Conference, 1 - 2 October 2010
  10. M S Imbabi and E Elsarrag. Tuneable U-values for energy efficient, low carbon building envelopes, Invited speaker WREC-XI, Abu Dhabi (UAE), 25 - 30 September, 2010
  11. E Elsarrag, F N Sahawneh and M S Imbabi. The UAE eco-villa research and demonstration project, Invited speaker WREC-XI, Abu Dhabi (UAE), 25 - 30 September, 2010
  12. M S Imbabi and P G Smith. Challenging the orthodoxy of sustainable building design, Sustainable Development 2009 Conference Master Class, Westminster, London, 19 February 2009
  13. M S Imbabi. Dynamic breathing walls, The Scottish Construction Centre Workshop, Edinburgh, 18 February 2009
  14. E J Bain, J M Calo, J R Kirchner, R Spitz-Steinberg and J Axén. Electrosorption of arsenic on DARCO 12×20 from dilute aqueous solution. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, 2009
  15. E J Bain, J Calo, R Spitz-Steinberg, J R Kirchner and J Axén. Electrosorption / electrodesorption of arsenic on a granular activated carbon in the presence of other heavy metals', Proceedings of the Carbons for Energy Storage and Environment Protection, Torremolinos, 2009
  16. F P Glasser. The thermodynamics of attack on Portland cement with special reference to sulfate attack. Concrete in Aggressive Environments: Proceedings of TC211-PAE (Eds., M Alexander and A Bertron), RILEM, 1, p1-17, 2009
  17. M S Imbabi. A clean technology to combat climate change - dynamic breathing building, The Cleantech Forum XVII, The Cleantech Network, Brussels, 28 April 2008
  18. A R Brown, M S Imbabi and A D Peacock. The transforming technology of dynamic breathing building, Proceedings of Ecocity World Summit 2008, San Francisco (USA). 24 - 26 April 2008
  19. M S Imbabi. The clean, low carbon technology of dynamic breathing building, Building for Tomorrow 2008, Keynote speaker, Annual NHBC Conference, 18 March 2008
  20. A R Brown, M S Imbabi and A D Peacock. Dynamic breathing buildings to combat global warming, Proceedings of the 3rd International Solar Cities Congress 2008, Adelaide (Australia). 17 - 21 February 2008
  21. J M Calo, E J Bain, R E Winans and S Siefert, A H Clemens. Time-resolved pressure studies of CO2 in coal by SAXS. Proceedings of the 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, 2008
  22. M S Imbabi and P G Smith. Dynamic breathing buildings - the future, Invited speaker, Proceedings of the e2 Energy Solutions Conference and Expo, Olympia, London (UK), 10 October 2007
  23. M S Imbabi. Technologies to build a low carbon future, CIRIA, London, 30 May 2007
  24. M S Imbabi. The performance of dynamic breathing buildings in the United Arab Emirates, Keynote speaker, Proceedings of Environment 2007 Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 28 January - 2 February 2007
  25. E Elsarrag, M Aboulnaga, A Peacock and M S Imbabi. Dynamic insulation for energy conservation and improved indoor air quality in hot humid climates, Invited speaker, Proceedings of the ASHRAE 5th Chapter Regional Conference (CRC) , Dubai, UAE, 1 - 3 November 2006
  26. M S Imbabi and J Ayres. Dynamic breathing building (DBB) technology, maximising fresh air ventilation and minimizing energy use, Proceedings of the UKIEG Annual Conference, Institute of Child Health, University College London, October 2006
  27. M S Imbabi. Full-scale evaluation of energy use and emissions reduction of a dynamic breathing building, Invited speaker, Proceedings of WREC-IX, Florence, Italy, 19 - 25 August 2006
  28. M S Imbabi. The enabling technology of dynamic breathing buildings, Invited Speaker, Proceedings of the 1st Green Building Conference, Dubai, UAE, 2006
  29. M S Imbabi. Low energy building design for the 21st century, Guest speaker at the Emirates Environmental Group General Meeting, Dubai, June 2005
  30. M S Imbabi and J Banks. Predictions of a new material for energy efficient wall construction, Organising Chairman, Proceedings of WREC2005, May 2005
  31. J M Wong, F P Glasser and M S Imbabi. Breathable concrete for low energy buildings, Organising Chairman, Proceedings of WREC2005, May 2005
  32. M S Imbabi. Breathing Buildings, Keynote speaker, Proceedings of the 4th IFCO Congress on Energy Conservation in Buildings & Renewable Energy, Tehran, 10 - 15 March 2005
  33. Harrison T A. The roles of international, regional and national standards in the global market. Proceedings International Conference on Application of Codes, Design and Regulation, Thomas Telford p293-298, 2005
  34. T A Harrison. The roles of international, regional and national standards in the global market. Proceedings International Conference on Application of Codes, Design and Regulation, Thomas Telford p293-298, 2005
  35. M S Imbabi. New developments in the science and art of breathing walls, Invited speaker, Proceedings of WREC-VIII, Denver, September 2004
  36. I Trendafilova and M S Imbabi. Novel health monitoring procedure for reinforced concrete slabs, Proceedings of BSSM, September 2003
  37. A Samuel, M S Imbabi, A Peacock and P A Strachan. Dynamic insulation: results from whole-building simulations, Proceedings of the ASHRAE/CIBSE conference, Edinburgh, September 2003
  38. M S Imbabi and A Peacock. Smart breathing walls for integrated ventilation, heat exchange, energy efficiency and air filtration, Invited speaker, Proceedings of the ASHRAE/CIBSE conference, Edinburgh, September 2003
  39. A Peacock, M S Imbabi and J Campbell. A revolutionary environmental building system, Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2003, House of Commons, Westminster, 17 March 2003
  40. M S Imbabi, J Campbell and S Lafougere. Multi-layer dynamic insulation panels for natural ventilation and filtration of urban air pollution, invited speaker, Proceedings of WREC VII, Frankfurt, July 2002
  41. M S Imbabi, H C Tan, and O O R Famiyesin. Qualitative state space representations of damage in reinforced concrete slabs, invited speaker, Proceedings of ICCE/9, San Diego, July 2002
  42. M S Imbabi, O O R Famiyesin and H C Tan. Real-time monitoring of reinforced concrete structures using dynamic deformation signatures, Proceedings of the Structural Health Monitoring 2002 workshop, Stanford - invited speaker, September 2001
  43. M S Imbabi, O O R Famiyesin and H C Tan. On chaotic changes in the dynamic deformation state space of a reinforced concrete slab with load-induced damage, Proceedings of the EuroMech Colloquium 425: Nonlinear Dynamics, Control and Condition Monitoring, Aberdeen, August 2001
  44. Z Q Qian, A R Akisanya and M S Imbabi. Stress behaviour at the interface corner between three elastic materials, Proceedings Of the 5th International Conference on Computational Structures and Technology, Leuven, Belgium, 6 - 8 September 2000
  45. B J Taylor and M S Imbabi. The application of dynamic insulation in multi-storey buildings, Invited speaker, Proceedings of WREC VI, Part 1, Brighton, 1 - 7 July 2000

Editorships, Book Chapters and Reports

  1. M S Imbabi. Achieving Carbon Reductions and Tackling Fuel Poverty: How the Homebuilding Industry can assist the Scottish Government with these objectives, Report commissioned by Homes for Scotland (HFS), 2012
  2. M S Imbabi and E Elsarrag. Energyflo Dynamic Insulation: IES Workflow Methodology for Part L2 & EPC Compliance, 2010
  3. M S Imbabi, F Haghihat and M Perino. IEA-ECBCS Annex 44, Integrating Environmentally Responsive Elements in Buildings, Chapter 4.3 of the state of the art review of Responsive Building Elements (Ed. Marco Perino), Aalborg University, Denmark, ISBN 978-88-8202-073-6, 2008
  4. M R Jones and M J Macarthy. Chapter 2: Established uses of combustion residues. Chapter 4 Section 2: Developments in cement and concrete. Combustion residues: current, novel and renewable applications, Ed. M Cox, H Nugteren and M Janssen- Jurkovicova, 2008
  5. M S Imbabi (Ed) and C P Mitchell (Ed). Proceedings of the 2005 World Renewable Energy Congress, Elsevier Science Ltd, 2006
  6. D E Macphee and E E Lachowski. 3 - Cement components and their phase relations. Lea's Chemistry of Cement and Concrete (Fourth Edition), p95-129, 2003

Published Patent Applications

  1. WO2012117241 A1 Dynamic Insulation Systems
  2. WO2010 122353 A1 Cladding Panel
  3. WO2010 007400 A1 A Concrete Mixture and Method of Forming the Same
  4. WO2009 106891 A1, Boundary Layer Energy Recovery Apparatus
  5. WO2005 028076 A1, Support Panel - GRANTED
  6. WO2003 057470 A1, Cladding Panel - GRANTED

Concrete Blocks in Use

Breathable Concrete

Rotary Kiln Model