
In this section

Current Projects

  • M S Imbabi. Mull and Iona Sustainable Homes, Mull and Iona Community Trust / Climate Change Fund (1/14 - 6/15)
  • M S Imbabi. The potential for communal and renewable heating systems in and around the historical Linlithgow Cross area, Transition Linlithgow / CARES (10/13 - 1/14)
  • M S Imbabi and F P Glasser. Novel concretes for subsea pipeline flow assurance, O Wasfi, self-funded studentship by (8/13 - 7/15)
  • M S Imbabi and R D Neilson. Ultimate capacity of offshore structures, A AbdelAal (p/t), W S Atkins (7/13 - 6/18)
  • M S Imbabi. Mainstreaming Innovation, Scottish Government (5/13 - 4/14)
  • M S Imbabi, F P Glasser and D E MacPhee. Green Concrete, GORD (10/12 - 9/16) The Green Concrete Project

Recently Completed Projects

  • M S Imbabi. Achieving Carbon Reductions and Tackling Fuel Poverty: How the Homebuilding Industry can assist the Scottish Government with these objectives, Homes for Scotland (6 months)
  • K Al-Sallal and M S Imbabi. On the use of Dynamic Insulation in the UAE, Dubai Municipality (4 months)
  • M S Imbabi. Full-scale performance evaluation of energy use and emissions reduction in dynamic breathing building construction, Carbon Trust (2 years) The DBB Project website
  • M S Imbabi and F P Glasser. Breathable Concrete. PhD awarded to Dr J M Wong in February 2008, College of Physical Sciences (3 years)
  • M S Imbabi. Hydrogen network feasibility study for an SRDG bid, in collaboration with a other Scottish Universities, The Scottish Government (1 year)
  • M S Imbabi. 2005 World Renewable Energy Congress, multiple funding sources including the Scottish Executive, Scottish Enterprise, the City of Aberdeen, the University of Aberdeen and local industry (2 years)
  • M S Imbabi. The Environmental Building System", Scottish Executive SMART: Scotland programme and Industry (18 months)
  • J Watson, M Player and M S Imbabi. 3D Holography for Structural Health Monitoring of Advanced Composite Panels, PhD awarded to Dr P Benzie in February 2006, EPSRC (3 years)
  • M S Imbabi and M Player. Energy efficient smart modular building envelope panels using ecologically sound materials, TCD and Industry (15 months)
  • M S Imbabi and A R Akisanya. The mechanical behaviour and design optimisation of asphaltic plug bridge deck expansion joints, EPSRC (3 years)
  • M S Imbabi and O R Famiyesin. Condition monitoring of RC slabs, PhD awarded to Dr H C Tan in February 2001, Malaysian Government (3 years)
  • M S Imbabi and R Webster. The use of diffusive and dynamic insulation for combined heat recovery and ventilation in buildings, EPSRC (3 years)
  • M S Imbabi. Real Time Evaluation of Air Gas and Smoke Flow in Buildings and Enclosures, PhD awarded to Dr R Gordon 1997, EPSRC (3 years)
  • M S Imbabi. Hybrid solar domestic heating and ventilation systems in Scotland and the United Kingdom, Aberdeen University (1 year)
  • Q Li, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), "Advanced Low Carbon Technology Research and Development Program (ALCA)" (1 year)
  • F P Glasser, Supplementary cementing materials based on dolomite, Holcim (4 years)
  • F P Glasser, Development of CO2 sequestration products with useful applications, University of Aberdeen (6 months)
  • F P Glasser, Matrix formation in Portland cements containing siliceous pozzolans, Government of Nigeria (3 years)
  • D E Macphee and H W Chandler, Cement with enhanced toughness, EPSRC (3 years)
  • D E Macphee, Composition, formation and stability of thaumasite in concrete, EPSRC (3 years)
  • D E Macphee, J M S Skakle, M A Player, R M Aspden and D W L Hukins, Multifunctional X-ray diffractometer for multifunctional materials, EPSRC (5 years)
  • D E Macphee, R P K Wells, K Killham, Nanotechnology for sustainable water purification, a commercialisation programme for PECFC technology, DTI UK Micro & Nano-technology Manufacturing Initiative (5 years)
  • D E Macphee and F P Glasser, Fundamental understanding of cementitious materials for improved chemical, physical and aesthetic performance. EC Marie Curie Research Training Network (4 years)
  • M R Jones and M J McCarthy, Effect of modern coal-firing on fly ash quality, UKQAA and EPSRC DTA (3 years)
  • M R Jones, T A Harrison, T D Dyer, Developing robust, comparable metrics for the sustainable use of natural resources, CEMBUREAU and UTEG (1 year)
  • M R Jones, Residual service life modelling of sub-surface offshore concrete structures, Fairfield Energy and EPSRC DTA (3 years)
  • M R Jones, Rapid assessment of fly ash quality for its use in construction, EPSRC and UKQAA: Dorothy Hodgkin's Postgraduate Award Scheme (3 years)
  • M R Jones and F P Glasser, Rapidly deployable system for the structural stabilization of shock damaged structures, US Department of Homeland Security (3 years)

Cement Plant Exhaust Stack

Pod House

Thermograph of House Wall