Degree Structure

In this section
Degree Structure

In the first year you can study topics such as

  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Electronics
  • Chemistry
  • Fundamental Engineering Mechanics
  • Fundamentals of Engineering Materials
  • Computer Aided Design and Communication

In the second year the topics covered can include

  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • Process Engineering
  • Fluids and Thermodynamics
  • Solids and Structures
  • Electronic Systems
  • Geology
  • Electrical and Mechanical Systems
  • Design & Computing

The first and second year courses are complemented by hands-on practical exercises and case studies from real-life engineering projects.

Honours Years

You do not need to finalise your choice of specialisation until you begin third year. This is also the point at which a final decision between MEng and BEng must be made. Successful BEng candidates will be offered the chance to change to the MEng programme. A wide range of both MEng and BEng programmes are available across the entire engineering spectrum reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of the School.

In your third year you have the opportunity to study from a range of courses leading to specialisation in your chosen discipline, as well as courses common to all disciplines such as Engineering Analysis and Project Management. A major feature of the fourth year is the undertaking of an individual project in the area of your specialisation. The project occupies nearly half of your study time and can be undertaken in Aberdeen or abroad. The opportunity exists to study a European language to support the latter option. Formal taught courses continue to develop your specialist interests. BEng students will also carry out a Group Design activity in their fourth year.