
In this section

In addition to the website , the following are available publications setting context for the research:
Darroch, N., 2012. London's deep tube railways: visibly invisible. MA. University of York. [online ].

Darroch, N., 2014. A brief introduction to London's underground railways and land use. Journal of Transport and Land Use. [e-journal ] Vol. 7(1), pp. 105-116.

Darroch, N., Beecroft, M., & Nelson, J., 2016. A conceptual framework for land use and metro infrastructure. Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management. [e-journal] 3(4), pp.122-131. Available through: ICE Virtual Library .

Darroch, N., Beecroft, M., & Nelson, J., 2018. Going underground: an exploration of the interfaces between underground urban transport infrastructure and its environment. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. [e-journal] 81 (November), pp.450-462. Available through: ScienceDirect .

Further publications presenting more reasoning for the project, its aims and objectives, regarding the need to comprehend the interfaces of existing infrastructure and introducing the processes of the AIR outputs are currently awaiting publication online:

Darroch, 2020. Towards an understanding of the complex relationship between underground urban space and its environment, with particular focus on urban underground metro infrastructure in London. PhD. University of Aberdeen. [online] Available at: [Pending].

Darroch, N., Beecroft, M., & Nelson, J., 2020a. A qualitative analysis of the interfaces between urban underground metro infrastructure and its environment. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. [Submitted].

Darroch, N., Beecroft, M., & Nelson, J., Bobrowicz, M., Fuller F., 2020b. Development of an asset interface register to aid understanding of UUMI interfaces. Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management. [Submitted].